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bailey boo

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Everything posted by bailey boo

  1. Thank you estellyn. I will give the DWP a ring and post on here what they tell me.
  2. i wondered about this too. i will give the CAB a ring. Thank you for your help.
  3. Hi. DWP have just informed me that because my son has now reached the age of 18 that i no longer qualify for Severe Disablement Premium. I am in receipt of DLA (for the time being ! ) at high rate mobility and middle rate of care. My son is in full time education at college. He is on the autistic spectrum and receives DLA lower rate mobility and middle rate of care. I have been placed in the support group of ESA contributions and income based. I have a mortgage and get half the interest paid. Do i now have to pay council tax ?? So confused by all of this. I will probably have to sell my home which isn't worth very much.
  4. I'm new to the forum. I posted on here earlier today but don't know how to find the post i put on. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
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