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Everything posted by Sugarpuss

  1. Hi, Thank you for the reply. My sister was still paying the minimum payments to her creditors until bankruptcy. The letter is a request for the money. Thank you for any advice!
  2. Hi, My sister borrowed money off my father, half of which she paid back about 1 year before she went bankrupt. My father now has received a letter from the official receiver requesting the payment as it is classed as a preferential payment. My father is now beside himself, all he has left to pay back are his life savings, and it will leave him with nothing. He is elderly and with a heart condition. How hard will the OR try to get the money back, and does anyone think they will accept half payment (total is about £10k)? Any help much appreciated. My poor dad was only trying to help my sister out with essentials.
  3. Thanks Becky, You're right , and theres no doubt about it, that if it was one or the other, I would certainly take the security of the job
  4. I work for the NHS, and due to recent concerns regarding another NHS trust winning the bid to do the work we currently carry out, I have applied for other jobs and been sucessful and offered another post, although I have signed no contract and have no start date yet. Since my interview there has been a consultation meeting and the other nhs trust is now Taking over the staff (via TUPE) and offering redundancy to current staff. My prospective new manager is happy ot defer my start date for my new job as it is my understanding in the NHS terms and conditions there needs to be a 4 week break after taking redundancy before taking up another NHS post. My question is this- does the 4 week break constitute the time at which the old contract is terminated and contract begins, or would the fact that I have a job offer mean I am not eligible for redundancy?
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