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Posts posted by CerberusSco

  1. Hello fellow Caggers.


    I am really looking for some advice here, not jst for me, but for others that are experiencing the same issue as myself too.


    This is going to be a very long story, but I will try and keep it as short as possible. I upgraded to a Sony Xperia Z5 in October via an early upgrade, through my mobile network, Three. The phone itself worked fine in a sense of using apps, calls & messages. However, all was not well with the camera which Sony Mobile claim is, "The Worlds Best Camera in a Smartphone."


    When taking some photos I noticed a blur on the left side of the photographs I had taken using the camera on the handset. So, as per the instructions on the three.co.uk website I arranged a return to Sony Mobile. I was without my new handset for a period of 7 days and Sony Mobile sent me a replacement handset back. However, the same issue existed in that photographs had a horrible blur on the left hand side of photographs taken using the handsets camera. It was at this point I did some more digging and contacted the Customer Service Director of Sony Mobile UK, Mr Gary Acors. What I found was a number of users had reported the same issue with a number of different models in the Xperia Z5 range (Z5 Compact/Z5/Z5 Premium) on the Sony Mobile forums. Not only that, but users on Reddit had also reported the same issue. XDA users have also reported the same issue here & here.


    Now after a continous 2 weeks of contact via email with the UK Customer Service Director, I was advised the following:


    As an update to my previous email we have performed extensive testing of the camera performance in our service location, however we have not been able to replicate your reported symptom. As you feel that the camera performance does not meet with your expectation, we have forwarded the device to our development team in order for specialist analysis to be performed. We will then be in a position to provide specialist feedback based on the result of this investigation.


    Here in lies an issue for me. What methods are service centre staff using in order to test the functionality of the camera and trying to replicate this issue? To me, it doesn't seem they are doing anything near to the level of what other users (including myself) doing, or beyond, to identify/replicate this issue. The many people that have posted in other forums/blogs CANNOT be wrong. We aren't just seeing this or making this up, which says to me that the staff at the service centre (SBE Ltd) are incompetent and aren't doing their job correctly.


    My questions are as follows. I paid Three UK £102 so that I could upgrade early and as I was originally outside their Returns Period I was unable to send the phone back and swap for a different handset by a different manufacturer.


    1. What can I do further to get this issue resolved? I can't keep sending handsets back in the hope of getting a handset abck that doesn't suffer this fault. Some people have had 5 or so replacements and every single one of them has had the same issue with the camera.
    2. Can I start a small claims against Sony Mobile UK (or would it be wise to) to claim the cost of cancelling my contract so that I can upgrade to a handset from a different manufacturer.
    3. Whilst the issue isn't with the Three network itself, is there anything they can do to get this resolved?


    I have uploaded a couple of photos to online albums which show the blur issue. Others have done the same through various links on other forums too. I have also made Sony Mobile UK aware of these albums, so they've had a chance to look at them. The common consensus is that the handsets are suffering from a de-centred lens, which is resulting in causing the blur.


    Links to my albums


    Xperia Z5 E6653 - Blur/Smudge Camera Issue!

    Xperia Z5 E6653 Replacement - Blur/Smudge Camera Issue!




    I should add that the camera was one of the main reasons I upgraded to the Xperia Z5 as well as Playstation Remote Play.


    The handset replacement I received was refurbished handset and not a like for like replacement (new for new).

  2. I have been reading the stickies at the top of this forum regarding charges/penalties being applied to a customers account for not paying by Direct Debit. I had a similar argument with Virgin Media, but rather than pursue it further with them, I cancelled my contract with them as I only had just over 30 days left to go anyway.


    However, my attention was then aimed towards my mobile provider, Three/Hutchison 3G, also applying a 'Payment method administration charge' of £4.08 each month to both of my contracts with them. Technically, the 'Payment method administration charge' is just a fancy name they give for the Non DD Payment Charge.


    I have politely asked Three to provide me with evidence that by not paying by Direct Debit each month causes them significant cost to process my payment. I have had one response so far.


    Thank you for your email and I’m sorry if you think the non-recurring payment fee is unfair.


    Ofcom’s review of additional charges in December 2008, updated in March 2010 following the judicial review, advises that the non-Direct Debit fee may be a core term, exempt from the regulations fairness test. We would agree with this statement, as this is the case with our terms and conditions.


    A copy of this report can be found here http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/addcharges/statement/ .


    The terms and conditions provide all the things you need to know about your package, with additional terms found in the price guide relevant to your package or tariff. When you insert your SIM card you confirm that you want Three to provide you with our services. The above mentioned non-recurring payment fee is detailed in the ‘other services’ section of this guide. The terms and conditions and price guide are both available on our website at http://www.three.co.uk .


    I hope this addresses your concerns. If you’d like any more details just let me know by reply.


    What is my next course of action? Is this worth pursuing and are these charges actually unfair?



  3. Thanks for the reply.


    No, no letter from GP. Also didn't contact a GP nor NHS24/101 as they would only give advice that any diabetic would normally do in that situation. So no point calling them to get advice I already knew about. Think I'll just call them in the morning an explain the situation as best as I can, but shame on ATOS for failing to mention on ANY letter that you can only cancel an appointment once.


    I still don't know where I stand in terms of being re-assessed anyway, which is irking me.

  4. I have been on ESA since 2011. In 2012 I had a WCA with ATOS, failed the WCA and successfully won my appeal against them in 2013 with ESA re-instated and placed on support group.


    Earlier this year (January) I received a ESA50 form. This was not long after the DWP recently decided to defer routine repeat assessments until further notice. Anyway, I completed it, sent it back and called the DWP to clarify that repeat assessments were deferred, to which I was advised that they were and I shouldn't need to be re-assessed until at least 2015.


    However, imagine my surprise when I received a letter asking me to attend an ATOS medical in late August. This despite no sudden change in my condition (DWP still refer cases where there has been a reported change in condition, typically where someone’s condition worsens.) and also being told by an advisor at the DWP I wouldn't be re-assessed.


    Where do I stand on this? Should I be re-assessed despite it being widely reported that ATOS have decided to defer routine repeat assessments and also being told by the DWP telling me I wouldn't be re-assessed? What is my next plan of action or what should I do now?


    Also, My first appointment for the WCA I had to re-arrange due to a prior appointment with my support group.


    It was then re-arranged for yesterday morning (29/08/2014). However, I succumbed to food poisoning and was in no position to go anywhere. The food poisoning had an adverse effect on my diabetes. I called to re-arrange bang on 9am, but was told I was only allowed to do this once. The trap being, it fails to mention this on the appointment letter. So now, this is going to go back to the Decision Maker at the DWP. I am to believe they will send out a BF223 form.


    Would I be wise in calling the DWP first thing tomorrow and trying to appeal to their better nature and explain the situation whilst apologising?


    Thanks in advance

  5. My views are that..


    1. The OP says he wasnt informed of the right of O2 to raise prices when he purchased the phone, it is normal though for some sort of T&C's to be attached/read/agreed by the phone purchaser, clearly if there is no signed agreement with the T&C's attached or referenced then the OP may have a case, but I suspect that O2 will have a signed copy eitjher by pen or electronically.


    1. I actually logged into the mobiles.co.uk website last night and checked what I got with my order. My package contained my Note 2, Microsim & mobiles.co.uk welcome pack (of which I have a pdf copy). I certainly did not receive a copy of any T's & C's (yellow copy) from O2 which I would of normally got had I of upgraded in an O2 store or other store. I certainly do not recall anything on their website at the time of upgrading regarding price rises. Even if it did mention it, which I'm pretty sure it didn't, then I intend to use the following as per my original post.


    18.5.4 Declarations can be acceptable if they are of matters wholly and necessarily within the consumer's knowledge (for example, their age), and a free choice is given as to what to say. But whether any declaration is in fact fair will depend on how it is used. If consumers are routinely told or given to understand that they must say one thing for the contract to go ahead, the declaration is just as likely to be considered unfair and legally ineffectual as if the written words gave no apparent choice. The Regulations apply to unwritten as much as to written terms.


    18.5.5 'Have read and understood' declarations. Declarations that the consumer has read and/or understood the agreement give rise to special concerns. The Regulations implement an EU Directive saying that terms must be clear and intelligible and that consumers must have a proper opportunity to read all of them (see Part IV). Including a declaration of this kind effectively requires consumers to say these conditions have been met, whether they have or not. This tends to defeat the purpose of the Directive, and as such is open to serious objection.


    18.5.6 In practice consumers often do not read, and rarely understand fully, any but the shortest and simplest contracts. It might be better if they tried to do so, but that does not justify requiring them to say they have done so whether they have or not. The purpose of declarations of this kind is clearly to bind consumers to wording regardless of whether they have any real awareness of it. Such statements are thus open to the same objections as provisions binding consumers to terms they have not seen at all – see Group 9.


    2. As above, I cant see that there is any merit to the RPI point.


    2. Maybe not, but RPI is not recognised as a measure of calculating inflation and as you may be aware the government use CPI to calculate this as it is more accurate. Current CPI is at 1.7%. I can't see how O2 can justify using RPI to hike up prices and it is another point I wish to contest.


    3. It certainly is standard practise to inform phone uers of any rise, Im not sure if a breach of that is enough for the user to cancel his contract, it may come down to O2 saying they did send this out and the OP claiming he didnt receive it.


    3. I have been on the O2 forums and every user has had an email regarding the price rises. I have never received anything regarding them and I first learned about the price hike initially on a forum and then the BBC website (if I recall). I have mentioned this in my initial complaint to O2, who have failed to answer as to why I haven't received it. Any other emails from O2 go straight to my inbox, especially about my bills. By not emailing me or sending me a SMS or letter they have failed to give me 30 days notice regarding their price increase, which I pretty sure OFCOM's rules state an operator has to do.


    Another question that sits at the back of my mind is why are PAYG customers of O2 not having a price hike? Obviously it is because if they did do that, then people would more than likely get a giff gaff PAYG sim.


    I am more annoyed at OFCOM regarding this although my utter contempt for O2 is plain to see. OFCOM should of closed these loopholes so that providers cannot exploit customers in the way that O2 have done. It seems a case of the very people that are there to protect consumers are in fact all for the company.


    The fact that I am either left to pay the increased hikes each month or the remaining monthly line rental to cancel my contract to me is an unfair term.


    Having informed O2 back in September-ish that I had lost my job and was experiencing financial difficulty and then O2 putting me on the lowest tariff available at the time was a good thing for them to do. However, I hardly ever used my mobile after that as even at £23 per month I couldn't really afford and especially as I needed to call premium and local rate numbers all of which are outside the contract bundle. The price increase for these is a little over 14% putting them over their 10% material detriment rule. It works out as getting a 2.7% baserate rise + a further 14.3% rise on those calls. However, I would expect that given the fact I rarely used my contract phone after experiencing financial difficulty and as such avoided dialling these numbers and used my landline to make such calls to these numbers more often than not, that I probably won't be able to argue material detriment for this.


    I'm caught between a rock and hard place here, but I think O2 have played dirty here and I think they are wrong in what they are doing. Hence why I want to take this matter to court. My partner has home insurance which I am sure has some form of legal cover on it, so I may try and look into that, explain my circumstances and see what else I can do. It seems pretty adamant from the replies here that my case is weak and I am desperately trying to strengthen it. Unfortunately, I find the law very confusing sometimes. Especially SuperVillain's reply:


    My interpretation of that schedule is that price indexation clauses won't generally be viewed as unfair in the context of this particular piece of legislation.

    But further down in the schedule - (d)Paragraph 1(l) is without hindrance to price indexation clauses, where lawful, provided that the method by which prices vary is explicitly described.


    What you have is a price indexation clause.


    So it may be in my best interest to look into this part of the schedule and approach from that angle as opposed to the angles I have been looking at?

  7. I appreciate your input andydd, but I intend to use the arguments above to back up my case against O2. I'd already, some months ago in fact, informed O2 that I was currently suffering hardship due to loss of employment and they kindly lowered my tariff to the very lowest tariff they could put me on. How can they then justify an above inflation increase (if we take the use of CPI & not RPI) and not expect that to cause me material detriment?


    I'm not doubting your knowledge in anyway at all andydd, but there must be something that I can do to stop this. Unfortunately, O2 have responded with the same copy & paste stuff they sent out to customers the last time they raised their prices (March 2013 I think) and have blatantly used 2 loopholes to raise prices following OFCOMS decision to say fixed means fixed. The Ombudsmen as always are on the side of the company and not the consumer and despite all attempts to resolve this in an amicable matter, small claims is the only way to go at this stage.


    When I upgraded with mobiles.co.uk in November 2012 I wasn't informed at the point of sale that any price increases would take place during the term of my contract, nor was I sent any contract with my new handset or anything like that to state the same.


    Also, O2 has stated that they have effectively communicated the price increase with their customers. No they haven't. I haven't received any form of communication to state that O2 will be increasing prices. Not a text, email or letter.


    The cost of out of bundle prices do cause me material detriment in my eyes and especially the increase in costs to make international calls. I now have relatives that live in Canada and I was going to use my monthly contract to call them and to keep in touch. Unfortunately, due to the increases this won't happen. The whole sorry scenario stinks to high heaven.

  8. The below shows any future price rises was not clearly and adequately drawn to my attention when ordering via mobiles.co.uk in November 2012. The O2 website openly admits that prior to January 2014 their advertising DID NOT reference price rises!!!


    · I was already in contract with you when you announced your price rise. Are you allowed to put my prices up whilst I'm in contract? It's not the price I signed up to


    Customers who signed up pre-23rd January 2014


    Ofcom's guidance on "fixed means fixed" is only applicable to contracts made on or after the 23rd January 2014 and does not apply to contracts that were entered into before that date. For customers who joined or upgraded before this date, our terms and conditions at the time you signed up stated that we are entitled to increase your monthly subscription charge by no more than RPI and no more often than every 12 months and are compliant with the body of general consumer protection law. Our advertising has also said 'tariff prices may go up' since January 2013.





    I am also intending to mention the following:


    1. The contract, point of sale material, and the salesperson did not make it clear that a price rise would or could occur during the contract.


    2. Raising prices in line with the Retail Prices Index causes me material detriment because (a) my own income has not risen by 2.7% and/or (b) in March 2013 the Office for National Statistics said RPI is no longer a national statistic which can be relied upon. The official measure of inflation is the CPI which rose by only 2%.


    3. Therefore I am free to leave the contract without penalty under EU law.


    I also intend to claim the price rise was unlawful under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. As they protect people where a company imposes a term which limits the customer's rights but retains similar rights for the company. So it is free to raise prices but the customer cannot leave without paying a large penalty and is thus trapped into paying the higher price. That seems the essence of a one-sided and therefore unfair term.


    Also, from 23rd Jan they only apply RPI to the airtime part of the contract - not to the phone. Conclusive proof that by charging RPI on the full cost of my contract including the provision of the phone (which can't possibly have inflation applied to it as they had already paid for the phone), then they have used RPI to increase their profit line and not to reflect the increase in their costs as they claim!!


    If O2 are going to try to say that I agreed to the price rise by ticking a box (when I ordered online), then I also intend to argue the following:




    18.5.4 Declarations can be acceptable if they are of matters wholly and necessarily within the consumer's knowledge (for example, their age), and a free choice is given as to what to say. But whether any declaration is in fact fair will depend on how it is used. If consumers are routinely told or given to understand that they must say one thing for the contract to go ahead, the declaration is just as likely to be considered unfair and legally ineffectual as if the written words gave no apparent choice. The Regulations apply to unwritten as much as to written terms.


    18.5.5 'Have read and understood' declarations. Declarations that the consumer has read and/or understood the agreement give rise to special concerns. The Regulations implement an EU Directive saying that terms must be clear and intelligible and that consumers must have a proper opportunity to read all of them (see Part IV). Including a declaration of this kind effectively requires consumers to say these conditions have been met, whether they have or not. This tends to defeat the purpose of the Directive, and as such is open to serious objection.


    18.5.6 In practice consumers often do not read, and rarely understand fully, any but the shortest and simplest contracts. It might be better if they tried to do so, but that does not justify requiring them to say they have done so whether they have or not. The purpose of declarations of this kind is clearly to bind consumers to wording regardless of whether they have any real awareness of it. Such statements are thus open to the same objections as provisions binding consumers to terms they have not seen at all – see Group 9.


    I also contend that the price variation clause is not compliant with the UTCCRs and is therefore unenforceable. A summary of the reasoning and relevant sections of the UTCCRs and the associated OFT guidance groups is below.


    Under the UTCCRs and the associated OFT guidance on variation clauses, price variation clauses are unfair and unenforceable if:


    The Price variation clause is discretionary (Schedule 2 Para 1 (L))

    Schedule 2 Paragraph 1 (J) and OFT Group 10 guidelines especially Paragraphs 10.2 and 10.3b

    It has been used for a purpose other than stated in the contract (Schedule 2 Para 1 (J))

    Schedule 2 Paragraph 1 (L) and OFT Group 12 guidelines especially Paragraphs 12.1, 12.2 and 12.3

    It is transferring a risk that a provider is better able to control or anticipate than the consumer

    Group 18b of the OFT Guidelines especially paragraphs 18.2.1, 18.2.3 and 18.2.5 and 12.3

    Has not been clearly and adequately drawn to the consumers attention

    Schedule 2 Paragraph 1 (i) & (L) and OFT Group 9 guidelines especially Paragraphs 9.2 and 9.4 and Group 12 especially 12.4

    The contract in relation to the price variation clause and its reasoning are not transparent and therefore are unfair and unenforceable

    Group 19 of the OFT Guidelines (Regulation 7) especially Paragraphs 19.7, 19.8, 19.9 and 19.10


    Because of all of the above does not comply with the overriding principles of good faith.


    Additionally O2 rely on the provisions of GC 9.6 as a source of power to give it the right to increase prices. However O2 would be aware that GC 9.6 is supposed to be the embodiment of Universal Service Directive (USD) into UK law which allows consumers to exit their contracts without penalty if any modifications to the terms are made. By not having due regard to the source and ultimate meaning of GC 9.6 EE has relied on my ignorance (at the time) of the protection offered to me under the USD and this goes against the principle of acting in Good Faith.

  9. 1. By filing an acknowledgment of service, the defendant has 28 days from "deemed service" to file (at court) and serve (on you) a defence. The court can confirm the date of deemed service for you, which is usually the second day after it posts the claim form to the defendant.

    2. It depends what you mean when you say "add to". If the defend the matter, you will be given the opportunity to file and serve the documents and information you want to rely upon before trial. You can then add more detail as to what was said, your legal authority, calculation of losses etc. What you might not be able to do easily, is change the sum you are seeking to recover - that might need an amendment to your claim.


    Thanks for that, much appreciated.


    Basically I filled in the Particulars of Claim when making my claim against them using MCOL. Upon reflection, I thought that it was good enough and should of given a bit more detail or better detail. However, if they (O2) defend and it goes to court, then I am happy that I will be able to submit more evidence to support my claim against them.

  10. Hi all, just need some advice.


    I've filed a small claim against O2 Telefonica using MCOL.


    My current claim status is as follows:


    You submitted a claim on 15/03/2014 at 23:44:06

    Your claim was issued on 17/03/2014

    Telefonica UK Ltd issued an acknowledgment of service on 20/03/2014


    How long do O2 have now to respond?


    My second query is, if the need arises in the future that I can add more information to my claim? When submitting my claim I was limited (by characters) to describe the reasons for my claim.


    My reasons for the claim are:


    1. The contract, point of sale material, and the salesperson did not make it clear that a price rise would or could occur during the contract.


    2. Raising prices in line with the Retail Prices Index causes me material detriment because (a) my own income has not risen by 2.7% and/or (b) in March 2013 the Office for National Statistics said RPI is no longer a national statistic which can be relied upon. The official measure of inflation is the CPI which rose by only 2%.


    3. Therefore I am free to leave the contract without penalty under EU law.


    4. The cost of certain out-of-bundle texts and calls in O2's recent price rise, as well as international call costs are of material detriment to me.


    5. At NO TIME has O2 informed me of any RPI increases by email, text message or by post.


    Also, the price rise is unlawful under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. This law protects people where a company imposes a term which limits the customer's rights but retains similar rights for the company. So it is free to raise prices but the customer cannot leave without paying a large penalty and is thus trapped into paying the higher price. That seems the essence of a one-sided and therefore unfair term.


    By O2's own admission on their own website, it states that "Our advertising has also said 'tariff prices may go up' since January 2013, which wasn't advertised prior to January 2013. As I took out my contract in November 2012 neither mobiles.co.uk nor O2 had informed me of the above.



  11. Well, I've filed a claim against them using MCOL.


    I take it, if the need arises in the future that I can add more information to the claim? When submitting my claim I was limited as to what to put for the reason for my claim.


    My main reasons for the claim are as follows:


    • the unfair terms under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 - according to your T's&C's O2 are free to raise prices but the customer cannot leave without paying a early termination penalty/higher bills, so technically I'm trapped into paying the higher price = unfair contract term.
    • Ofcom - at time of sale the O2 salesperson or mobiles.co.uk did not make it clear that a price rise would or could occur during the contract (this applies to all pre-23/01/14 contracts).
    • EU regs - Directive 2002/22/EC Of the European Parliament and of the Council, Chapter IV – End User Agreements, Article 20 – Contracts (4. Subscribers shall have a right to withdraw from their contracts without penalty upon notice of proposed modifications in the contractual conditions).


    I also wish to cancel under OFCOM's General COndition 9.6. The cost of certain out-of-bundle texts and calls, as well as international call costs are of material detriment to me. The price increase is over CPI and I believe this triggers my cancellation right under GC 9.6, REGARDLESS of what my contract says.


    Not only that, but the Ombudsmen have not been impartial. They have dealt with some of my friends complaints, yet they have refused to deal with me, even though the complaint has been for exactly the same reason as theirs.

  12. Sounds like it could be because the DWP have halted the fit for work tests (WCA) as ATOS want out of their government contract.




    Try the Daily Record which is what I originally wanted to avoid.




    Mike Penning, minister for disabled people, finally admitted in the WOW debate yesterday that the DWP have suspended the sending of employment and support allowance (ESA) claimants to Atos for repeat medical assessments, as Benefits and Work revealed on Monday. He also did not deny the two year length of the suspension for those affected, which we disclosed on Wednesday.


    On Monday we broke the news that the DWP have told staff that due to a growing backlog at Atos all current ESA claimants who have not already been referred to Atos will be left on the benefit, without further medical checks, until another company can be found to do repeat work capability assessments (WCAs). On Wednesday, following contact from a DWP insider, we also revealed that claimants due to be referred to Atos were being given a two year repreive.


    Until yesterday, however, neither the government nor the DWP would confirm this information. But in the WOW debate yesterday, Kate Green MP asked Penning point blank about the issue [column 472] :


    “My point is on the WCA, and I hope that the Minister will address the question that I and my hon. Friend the Member for Edinburgh East (Sheila Gilmore) raised about the suspension of reassessment of ESA claimants for the next two years. Will he tell us why the Department appears to have decided not to inform claimants or Members of Parliament about that?”


    Penning responded:


    “If we were to inform claimants and Members of Parliament about the minutiae of every single change in policy, we would be here a lot longer. As most Members know, I am not hugely party political, but I must point out that the previous Administration did not offer that level of information either. That is not how Governments work. We are trying to deal with the delays, and to ensure that people get what they are entitled to as quickly as possible and that nobody will be worse off while we are doing that. We are, however, in the middle of a really difficult negotiation with Atos over the WCA.”


    Penning’s response is a welcome, but grudgingly given, confirmation of the news broken on Monday by Benefits and Work. However, it also displays his extraordinary lack of understanding of what it is like to be a sick or disabled claimant dreading the post arriving every day, for fear it will include a summons to an Atos medical. To actually know when your medical is likely to happen is not ‘minutiae’, it is a matter of enormous importance.


    The suspension of referrals does not, unfortunately, affect claimants who have already been referred to Atos by the DWP. As Atos made clear on their website yesterday, having been inundated with calls about this issue:


    “Any WCA repeat referrals that we have already received from DWP will also continue through the WCA process as they would before.


    “You can normally tell that this process has started because you receive a Limited Capability for Work questionnaire, or ESA50. You should still return forms, supply additional evidence or attend appointments for a face to face assessment as necessary.”



  13. Well I will be taking this to small claims as the ombudsmen are about as helpful as a catflap in an elephant house.


    As O2's head office is based in Slough (they also have an office/contact centre in Glasgow) Can I use MCOL to make a claim against them or does it have to be through the sheriff court in Glasgow.



  14. I believe O2's price increase is a direct breach of the following:


    General Condition 9.6:


    9.6 The Communications Provider shall:

    (a) give its Subscribers adequate notice not shorter than one month of any modifications likely to be of material detriment to that Subscriber

    (b) allow its Subscribers to withdraw from their contract without penalty upon such notice

    © at the same time as giving the notice in condition 9.6 (a) above, shall inform the Subscriber of its ability to terminate the contract without penalty if the proposed modification is not acceptable to the Subscriber.

  15. dx as per you're a legend.


    The bank in question is with NatWest and I am currently constructing a letter on behalf of her to send to her bank stating the above.


    The company in question is:


    Inter Nutra LTD

    D11 Glyme Court

    Oxford Office Village

    Langford Lane

    Kidlington, Oxfordshire

    OX5 1LQ

    United Kingdom


    A letter will also be winging it's way to the MD, a Mr Allan Neyman.

  16. I'm helping a friend with http://www.advancedketoneplus.com/ who has been charged £94.97 after her free trial had expired.


    However, it wasn't explained to her that after the 14 day trial she would be charge a regular, monthly CPA of £94.97.


    She has contacted her bank this morning and the bank are refusing to help her.


    Is there anything that can be done to get this refunded?


    Obviously if she paid by Credit Card then she can contact her card issuer and look at a refund.


    Can we look at a chargeback route if she paid by debit card?

    Does the bank have a duty to refund her or help her more than they have done?


    The company that provide the above weight loss supplements have already had an ASA judgement against them regarding their T's & C's - http://www.asa.org.uk/Rulings/Adjudications/2013/3/Beyond-Nutra-Ltd/SHP_ADJ_217447.aspx


    She just wants her money back from her bank as she has 2 children and is on Student Finance, so things are a little tight.

    She has the product still sealed, unused and in the original packaging.



  17. Ok, my first draft.


    Dear Sir or Madam,


    Account number: xxxxxxxx Sort Code: xx-xx-xx


    I am writing in response to your letter by Iain Gallacher of Customer Engagement, dated 12th December 2013 in which Clydesdale Bank have refused to refund all charges on my account since November 2011. However, the bank did offer to refund £50 of charges as a gesture of goodwill, but I find this unacceptable and urge you to look at the decision again.


    I believe the fact that I have been incurring bank charges goes contrary to the aims of the Lending Code (Section 9). Personal customers should be considered to be in financial difficulty when income is insufficient to cover reasonable living expenses and meet financial commitments as they become due. My circumstances changed due to a loss of income because I had to leave my full time employment and claim Income Related ESA because of mental health issues. Furthermore, signs or indicators that a personal customer may be at risk of being in financial difficulties may include, regular unarranged overdrafts or excesses on agreed overdraft facilities and high or increasing numbers of unarranged overdraft charges being incurred by the customer


    Because of the overdraft facility on my account, the lending code applies and therefore Clydesdale Bank is duty bound to offer assistance to myself.


    I have attached an Income & Expenditure form with this letter and I wish to give Clydesdale Bank a final chance to act properly as required by The Lending Code and refund all charges applied since November 2011.


    I look forward to a full response to this letter within 14 days and if I do not receive a satisfactory response I intend to pursue my complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service or small claims court at the earliest opportunity.


    Yours faithfully,

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