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Everything posted by sjvb

  1. Hello I'm new to this thread, I have had an account with BH for a couple of years and I have found them to be rude and nasty but I am not the type of person who will take threats and harassment lightly, I have form the offset told all the staff that I will not tolerate any rubbish from them and I also report any attitude to the head office, and this tends to shut them up, I have been told about their stupid idea of collecting and holding goods till you can pay for them, what a stupid idea, people need most of the goods that they sell and wouldn't look at this company as a viable option if they could buy elsewhere. As for intimidating people with or without children is deplorable. They have been told by me in no uncertain terms not to threaten me at all. They have called me a couple of times in the early days of my agreement and I have said that if you carry on ringing me then I will not pay a single penny and you can do what you like and I will see you in court, that I have found works for me. if anyone would like me to tell them where to go iI would quite happily do this for them, with great pleasure. This is 2012 and not 1912 where we should all be grateful for our lot in life those days are long since gone. X
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