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  1. Hello guys, I came across this forum through Google after searching for Ingeus. I have been attending Ingeus for once in a while for the past couple of months, and so far the only things I've achieved by attending their meetings is an £80 clamp release fee for parking in their car park, a lot of wasted time, and a revised CV. My last appointment was at the end of September and was told that my adviser would be in training all of October so she set me up with a couple of 'workshops' a week. I have had nothing but threats from her since starting the programme, mainly about sanctioning my money, if I was ever as little as 5 minutes late, she would make me sit in the waiting room for a while and said "If you make me wait, I'll make you wait", which I thought was a bit childish. Anyway, I think I may have missed an appointment as she has rang my parents house, where I no longer live, and told them I need to ring her otherwise she will sanction my money for 6 months. I for one feel this is a breach of confidentiality and it just feels like they've forced their way into my life and are controlling what I can and cannot do. Is Ingeus mandatory or can you come off it in certain circumstances? I don't want them in my life anymore. Thanks!
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