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Everything posted by nataor23ae

  1. I could ask one of my supervisors that worked there i guess, does it have to be someone more higher than me or can it be someone i worked with as regards to a reference?
  2. Hi DJ, I dont know what the reasons are exactly but Its something to do with theft - the post mix - why i would steal or how i would steal it is beyond me because i dont drive nor have the means to transport it! The other is writing false negative reviews on tripadvisor - which i havent - the reviews are actually about the female supervisor. My friend who i used to work with is going to come with me - she used to work there and knows exactly what its like. She actually got sacked from there too - for no reason but she didnt want to take it to a tribunal as she just wanted to leave - like i do now. I do not want to go back - i just want to leave and have done with it and let that be an end to it. Im not scared that the allegations they are making re the tripadvisor and the theft the police could get involved and will seize my computer etc. Im a uni student so literally everything is on my computer! Its a total nightmare for me. Do you think handing my resignation will be an end to it, then i can just walk away?
  3. Thanks for the advice so far guys I really appreciate it! I've had a phone call today off one of my collegeues, not only has the manager being telling other members of staff reasons as to why ive been suspended without me knowing properly myself - im now being accused of writing negative comments about the business on trip advisor - which i haven't. Surely i would be bigging myself up in these "fake reviews"... Also my business deals with vulnerable adults which are housed on site for days-months time via social services. Some of these adults have issues, by anger management, no family, immigration, mental illness etc. However one of them threatened me, nothing was done - this was brought to the manager attention. He got caught stealing on several occassions - including a bottle of jack daniels from behind the bar! (Dont ask how - i wasnt there) and the manager said to him dont do it again... then gave him a job???? I'm very stressed out today - the meeting is tomorrow!
  4. Thanks for getting back to me, I have worked there for 8 months and he has been in charge since then. However today, I had a phone call from one of my collegeues regarding my suspension. Apparently the Latvian Manager has said that I have stolen a load of Post mix, boxes of it in syrup. Which I haven't! There is no CCTV on the premises. Nor have I stolen the coke! I'm very worried and stressed out by all this. The boxes are quite big and heavy so surely someone would have noticed me if I had taken it upon myself to steal them.
  5. Please can someone help me and give me some advice. As far as I am aware I have done nothing wrong. I work for a hotel. I got a text message from my manager stating he tried to call me but cant get through and he has had a number of issues brought to his attention relating to me. I am now suspended from work with immediate effect. There is a meeting on friday 2nd november to discuss. I called him back but he didnt answer. I then replied "what issues" he said he will discuss with me at the meeting. I asked him if i could collect last weeks wage but he didnt reply. Yesterday i text him again saying "I have asked to know why i have been suspended. You have refused to say until the 2nd November. I therefore take it im on full pay until then" he replied with "Take it how you want I will see you on the 2nd" Like I say as far as I am aware I have done nothing wrong. I have worked for him for about 8 months. The thing is that he has employed this Latvian manager, which I have no issues with her but she doesn't like me, slags me off to members of staff, etc. She has employed her friends and given them jobs which in turn means that our hours have had to be cut, now we are over staffed - i feel like i am being pushed out, she already got rid of the cleaner we had for no reason and replaced her with one of her friends. I generally do not know what to do, I am at my wits end.
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