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  1. Hi dizzy, I am currently going through the exact same thing as you! We paid 129000 for a house now worth approx 45000, it is in an awful area and our neighbours terrible. We are nearly 6 Months behind in our mortgage and had been considering voluntary repossession as I dread the thought of going to court! For the sake of our marriage and family we need to move. I would be interested to know what you have decided to do? Thanks, Angela
  2. Hi all, I am just new to this site although I have read through many theads previously to get advice. Everyones seems so helpful and knowledgeable and so i am hoping someone can advise me... I have a joint mortgage with my husband, we are currently 5 months in arrears. The mortgage is with Halifax and is interest only. Our mortgage total is 129,000, but in the current economic cimate our house would sell for approxiamately 40,000-50,000, leaving a shortfall of around 80,000. (Northern Ireland) This morning we received a letter from the Halifax saying that legal action will start within 15 business days. We have been expecting this and know we will lose the house. Ideally we would like to hand the keys back to the bank before they take us to court. Does anyone know how much time we have to do this? I am currently living with my sister and my husband is still living at the house. (due to the stress of it all we are going through a bit of a relationship breakdown). A field agent visisted the house and spoke with my husband about 2 months ago but we have heard nothing since. Can anyone advise me on the sequence of events likely to happen from now and offer advice on how to deal with this? any help would be appreciated!
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