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  1. That "very brief call" just made them £400. So if you withdrew consent before your advisor called them, then they have broken the data protection law.. and you could take action.
  2. I was thinking more a pushy door to door salesman/women, would suit them!
  3. They tried to get me to do a course in retail, even though that wasn't my first choice of work agreed by the JC. If they MANDATE you to any course offered and you don't attend, the pimps won't hesitate to recommend a sanction. And if you're being offered a fork lift course, why must you do a course in retail first? I don't see how they're related, sounds like a quick expense claim to me. As far as I'm aware, ingeus claim back the expenses of the course from DWP. It's clever how they do it, as far as DWP are concerned these 4 week courses will help us back in to work. But we really know that's not the case.
  4. I read elsewhere a review on what it's like to work for ingeus. They said something about having to get through 30 clients a day and do all the paperwork involved.
  5. Allowing these pimps to authorise sanctions on clients was the worst thing you could possibly do. "We are all in this together" - David Scameron
  6. Cool story bro. Nah but seriously don't sign your life away to them enjoy what freedom you have left.
  7. Depends, when I took a contract with vodafone the number they gave me was some bodies old number. Hence why I got phone calls from debt collecting companies etc..
  8. On one appointment, I heard someone talking to his advisor saying I don't need to do any of these college courses as they aren't relevant. To which the advisor says "Either way I'll find a course for you to do there's no getting out of it!".
  9. Is that valid of today? I know they changed some stuff around on the 22nd oct along with the longer benefit sanctions.
  10. Don't let it stress you out. Just send off the letters like you say, stick at your job and put in the effort, act interested even if the job isn't brilliant. Remember this, you found yourself a job. You can now support yourself without their help!
  11. Lets say someone wants to withdraw consent. Do you hand your advisor or their manager the letter to sign? and if they read it, does that mean you are withdrawn regardless and if they don't comply it's breaking the Data Protect Act 1998? Also would you send a copy to your local job centre or head office? was just curious.
  12. Funny you should mention that. They signed me up to some dodgy course that was over an hour+ travelling time that I didn't bother attending. They left me alone for about 4 months, then I received a letter saying I have been referred back to Ingeus on the personal route ways program. Basically if you get referred to personal route ways they will make your life hell.
  13. I'm trying to find something on the net about the cost of the work programme. I think it totals to £3.8 billion but can't find it, I'll keep looking!
  14. Well yeah, sign a new one to cover their backs haha. They are so corrupt and the government looks right past it. Looking at how much they can earn from "finding" one person a job is up to £13,700, now I'm not sure what the total costs of running the work programme scheme + wages + payments for finding a client a job. But I'm positive it's cheaper just to leave them signing on until they find a job themselves? crazy.
  15. Well that is committing fraud. They go on about how we are all scroungers begging for £55 a week of the state. I mean you would need proof but it should be easy in seeing if it's your signature or not!
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