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  1. I too have a feeling I am being singled out because I have made a complaint and went all the way to the top man in London. In a previous claim they lied to my local MP, local leaders of other political parties and to the head man himself. They finally had to admit this to the head of HMRC because they didn't have the information they would have needed to write to me! To claim working tax and child tax credit I have been asked to submit originals of the following:- Mortgage statement Electricity bills Gas bills Telephone bills Rates demand Water rates bill Pay slips Contract of work hours Evidence of son's education (he is receipt of EMA therefore must be in full-time education) They claim this is because there exists a bank account linked to my address. This is true and it has been for many years. It is obvious from all my paperwork that they have received that there is no connection between me and this account or my account and anybody else. It is an old friend who used my address because I was the only constant in his life. They accused me of lying about my 17 year-old, son's education because between my application and this week he has not achieved the grades he really needed. He was offered the chance to go back a year but opted instead to do a full time A-level course at a local college. I encouraged this because I don't have the funds to buy him his school uniform or pay for his transport to and from the school, when it moves out of town in November. I have not received child benefit for my son since March of this year. I work18.5 hours a week, in a local gym, cleaning drains, showers, toilets, air conditioning ducts, swimming pool and racking up 25kg weights. I can't imagine anyone doing this, except out of necessity The compliance officer told my daughter that because this friend was of a similar age we might be living together! We are friends...we do not live together....we have been on holiday together...we do not have a sexual relationship. I always thought in the UK it is innocent until proven guilty!!! If I am angry about their intrusion into my life can you imagine how I feel when they question me about my friend and his personal life. Meantime, in May I received £361 to last me for 5 weeks (because June was a 5 week month. In June I received £601 because I worked a 5 week month. In July I received £420 (my working hours were increased from 16hrs to 18.5hrs) which has to do me for 5 weeks because again I have to work a 5 week month!! I am sick with worry about how I am going to cope now that my meagre savings (for my son's driving lessons) have run out!! I have broken my tooth and cannot go near the dentist because I have no money and cannot prove receipt of benefits.
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