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  1. Thanks for the reply....They have separate accounts he pays her about £400 a month and she manages to keep all her bills up to date. She is devastated by the way she has been treated the woman practically told her she should sell the house and let the council rehouse her. The only financial link they have is the house and she has approached the mortgage company but they can't put it in just her name has she doesn't earn enough, before the baby was born she worked part time. Apparently they have been investigating her and have been told he turns up every day and lets himself in, thats not the case. The woman said he only sleeps at his flat and its not right that he visits everyday, he works nights and has to drive past the end of the road to visit so it seems logical that they do this rather than waste petrol driving back and forth.
  2. Hi Guys, i am new to this site and am hoping someone can give me some advice. My sister has split up with her husband, he has his own flat although the house is in joints names, they have 3 children and someone has reported them. It is an amicable split and my sister wants her children to have as normal relationship with their dad as possible. She had a visit before christmas regarding benefit fraud, after two of the children had chicken pox he had stayed a few nights to help out. They told her she couldn't do that so she asked to verify the rules..they said he could visit everyday but no one other than female first generation relatives could ever stay over. They said they would not take it further but if anyone reported her again they would have to take it further. She has now had a visit today which has upset her so much this evil twisted woman has told her she is not normal to try and have this type of relationship with her ex the children who are 5, 3 and 8 weeks old should cause the parents to fight and he shouldn't visit every day, the children need to get used to it stop trying to pay happy families and realise what going on. life for a single mother should be hard and he shouldn't come every day, the kids should be dropped of with him as he needs to get used to looking after them for when my sister is in prison, called her a liar when she said she couldn't get her husbands name taken of the mortgage when she doesn't work???? i am too angry to type all the other stuff. they are now investigating further, what does she need to do and what can happen next.
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