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Everything posted by nosoclever

  1. I couldn't call them either and still haven't heard anything but I suppose my deadline was only yesterday. I sent a letter because I was totally freaked out and have been feeling ill now for almost nearly 4 weeks. Lost loads of weight, can't function and I am no fun to be around at the moment. Worst thing is, my partner knows nothing either worried sick!! I am hoping that someone will come on here and tell us exactly what happened to them, in similar circumstances. Can't go down the lines of courts, i'd rather die, the embarrassment to my family would be too huge, i'd rather jump into the river. Hope to hear from AKG123 soon.
  2. Hi AKG123, Sorry I haven't got back to you however there is nothing else to tell from this end. I ended up sending a letter and I am expecting a call anytime now. In the meantime I worked out my income and outgoings so that I know how much I can afford to pay back each month. Have you heard anything since? have they started to take the money back yet? Is that the end of the story now? Many Thanks
  3. Thank you Rebel11, I appreciate your positive comments, I am going to bite the bullet and call them tomorrow when my partner is out at work. Thanks again AKG123, you are a great help and so happy that you are on this forum and have come back to let us know of the outcome as many many people disappear once their problem has been solved, not nice I must say. Thanks for being here
  4. No magic wand from the CAB advisor unfortunately. Didn't seem to have dealt with a case like this before and did exactly what I had done, researched the rules on a database and advised me to call HMRC and let them know. I left there feeling more deflated than when I went in. Really hate the thoughts of making the call, don't know how the compliance officer will respond to my deliberations, wonder if a letter would be better? I know, the Cowards way, what do you think?, call or letter, or both? Still freaking
  5. Thank you for letting us know AKG123, I feel a little better after reading your post. I am off this morning at 11:00 to CAB office, shaking though and have lost over a stone in weight in just over a week. Still haven't had a full nights sleep since receiving the letter. I haven't mentioned this to my partner yet, I am too worried. Better face the music and I hope to have news this afternoon to post here, looking forward to this problem being solved. Thanks again, back soon.
  6. There are lots of us on the same boat, I bet thousands throughout the UK. What I have read since scouring the internet is that it is very unlikely that HMRC will go through the courts initially. When I realised this it made me feel much better too although I am still worried about how to pay them back. I think HRMC would rather just get the money back and don't think there would be any point paying solicitors, barristers and court fees which would be too costly and defeat the object of clawing back as much money as possible. Go to see the CAB, ask them to help you with speaking to the HMRC, I have a meeting on Tuesday and feel a little better knowing that I won't go to prison. I'll keep you's updated.
  7. Hi, I am in the same position as yourself, I have claimed for almost 4 years and it amounts to around £16,000. I haven't been able to eat, sleep or think since getting the letter. They are asking me for the year 2011-2012, however I do not have anything to give as I only used the childminder on an irregular basis in that year possibly only two or three times when I was stuck. I did use the childminder initially for just over a year and then it was different times over the other years until 2010, however the Childminder nor I have a record of dates and times and just found out that she was claiming some other benefit so getting her to put down on paper exactly what hours she looked after the kids is going to be impossible. Have you heard anything back since from the HMRC regarding your payment? and when you mentioned to the Tax Credit advisor that you had not used a child minder for the year they had in question, did he not ask when you stopped using a childminder? Once they notice that you have made a false claim in one year are they not likely to look into the others? It's a real mess and I hope to get out of it in one peace, have an appointment with CAB on Tuesday about my case
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