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Everything posted by AKG123

  1. Just to let u know I was in trouble with HMRC too! I called them and they were very lovely and said not to worry as they deal with these problems all the time! My advise is bite the bullet, call them and soon as that's done you will feel 100% better I do!!
  2. Thank you, this is exactly what happend!'
  3. Sorry I didn't see this post! And i didnt mean to post last comment twice??! Well I Kind of wish I wasn't in this boat to begin with therefore wouldn't have to come on this website but Im glad I can be of help! The same to everyone else who has posted in this thread thank you for taking the time! it has been very helpful!
  4. Well I don't know your case but I was thinking about writing a letter too because the thought of telling them freaked me out! CAB didn't give much info either they just read a few information off HMRC website which I had already read and told me that I will def get a interview under caution and that I will have to consult a public defender and then set up a Meeting with a case worker who will review all the letters and help me, but I dont need any of that! I spoke to HMRC and asked her straight what will happen and she said as we are still able to receive benifits the overpayment will be calculated and deducted of the payment we will get or a payment schedule will be arranged. I just bit my lip and rang them and I was so shocked that it was so easy and the woman on the phone was really nice! Like she said she deals with these queries so often so told me not to worry and relax! I hope your ok, I know why your going through (I think) I was in a state too but get it off your chest whatever happens at least there are no more secrets or lies or STRESS! I hope you feel better soon and let us know how u got on! I will keep updating once I have more news Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  5. * I meant I know WHAT your going through not why!
  6. Well I don't know your case but I was thinking about writing a letter too because the thought of telling them freaked me out! CAB didn't give much info either they just read a few information off HMRC website which I had already read and told me that I will def get a interview under caution and that I will have to consult a public defender and then set up a Meeting with a case worker who will review all the letters and help me, but I dont need any of that! I spoke to HMRC and asked her straight what will happen and she said as we are still able to receive benifits the overpayment will be calculated and deducted of the payment we will get or a payment schedule will be arranged. I just bit my lip and rang them and I was so shocked that it was so easy and the woman on the phone was really nice! Like she said she deals with these queries so often so told me not to worry and relax! I hope your ok, I know why your going through (I think) I was in a state too but get it off your chest whatever happens at least there are no more secrets or lies or STRESS! I hope you feel better soon and let us know how u got on! I will keep updating once I have more news Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  7. Hi everyone! Just to update you all, I went to CAB spoke to a nice lady who told me that I haven't got anything to worry about, wasn't much help to be honest but again it was nice to speak to someone. She told me to ring HMRC today so I did. I cant believe I got myself into such a state! When I called them I was shaking, stuttering the lot! She stopped asking me questions and said stop worrying and said there's nothing to worry about!! She took my new address and changed everything over, got me to confirm all the dates and did a new estimate review taking both our earnings into account and looks as though we still qualify for some payment!! She said that my payments will now stop and a new form will be sent to me, I have to complete that and once they receive that back try will calculate my overpayment and will deduct it off the money we will then get! No mention of interview under caution or investigations anything!? I asked if I would be getting anything else and she said no depends on the overpayment but she said that she deals with these kind of calls at least 5x a day!! I am so relieved, not done yet I need to know how much I owe first and won't be completely relaxed until everything is sorted!! All your advise has been very helpful and as it is so embarassing that I never spoke to anyone about it so it has been very nice to let it off my chest!! Nosovlever I hope everything sorted for you too!! I will update this thread as soon as I have more info! Xxxxxx
  8. Sooo scared for tomorrow... But tell u what iv list 1/2 a stone in a week! Don't recommend the stress diet tho I feel awful! I hope it all goes ok!?
  9. Hi everyone, I called CAB and they advised that I need to go to the offices so I'm going Monday morning!! Literally by just talking about this with someone over the phone made me feel better! I'm still rediculously nervous and haven't eaten for 3 days because I get so sick when i worry! I need something to be sorted soon.. Thank you for yor advise everyone, and nosoclever let me know how u get on! I'll update everyone after my meeting Monday and tell u how it went!! Thanks again!! Xxx
  10. Ok if I own up who do I call? Should I just ring HMRC and tell them? I'm a nervous reck I am only calm when I in work and have other things to focus on but I feel the longer I hold off the worse it's going to get!! Shal I just ring them first or CAB? Thank you everyone so much!! Xx
  11. Excuse my spelling and grammar! I have rediculously shaky hands
  12. Haven't had a reply on here and it very urgent I have a reply I am begging for advise!
  13. Hi I'm in a bit of a mess, I'm stupid I know and lazy and am so embarrassed about what I am going to say I can't describe! Basically I was living with my parents and had a boyfriend and got pregnant. I filled in my forms completely true.. I was a young single mum as me and my boyfriend had separated. I lived with my parents and worked 28 hours a week after maternity. I had to pay for childcare too as both my parents worked. My boyfriend bought a house all his own. We got back together around when the baby was 10 months old and I started spending time at his house with the baby so decided to move in. Thing is I didn't tell the HMRC. Also when the baby was around 1 year 9 months I switched from a crèche to a child minder and again didn't advise the HMRC. There is not much difference in cost but that wasn't the reason for the switch it was I wanted my baby to get more attention a there was 4-1 to ye child minders and I didn't like it. Anyway... I had a letter today telling me I am under investigation!! They want me to submit the contract and invoiced from my child minder. Thing is up until September the invoices will be in my parents address (registered on HMRC) but from moving the address was changed to the current address. I guess what they are asking for is just prof that I am paying a child minder but If I send them what I have/can get it will show my new address???? One I haven't told em about!! I'm in a right mess!!!! It's only been for a year! I am not a criminal I have competed the forms correctly with correct wage etc but just didn't tell them what was incorrect due to being completely lazy and thinking I'll do it tomorrow! So sum up my issue is... According to HMRC I live at my parents address I am a lone parent I pay childcare to a 'crèche' I actually am Living at my boyfriends house ( not named on mortgage) Not single boyfriend father of my daughter Switched to child minder What will happen, what do I need to do? What will happen I I tell them what's happend? Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I am so sorry to but in this discussion but anyone know how to ask a question? I'm stuck! I want to ask my own question and don't know how???
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