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Everything posted by MummyJen

  1. Hi Guys i took advice to send SAR to Barclays and also to email moorcroft advising i have done that. I have had responces of both and am baffled..... Moorcroft with long letter basically saying they recieved my email and they understand i have suggested that i have previously requested a copy of my CCA from us in december 2011 (Ermmmm what are they going on about i havent requested a cca and how on earth would i do that in december 2011 when i have only just heard of them about this), they have brought my email to there clients attention and are awaiting a responce they also would like to make it clear they have not bought this account....then they go on to say with regards to my cca letter they are confused by this request (im confused) So i dont know what the hell moorcroft are going on about. then barclays respoce to my SAR which i sent last week... Thank you for requesting the personal information we hold on your record i note your request was made in relation to the sale of payment protection insurance (no it wasnt it was cos of bank chargers on my buisness account after i told them i was in financial hardhsip and them helping them selves to money from my personal account) then it goes on and on about how they have attatched a search of our systems which gives a complete summary of current and historic products relating to your record and indentifies weather PPI was sold with a Y or N. Start and end dtes are shown against each product. This information is sufficent to enable you to progress a claim under PPI then it waffles on about mortgages (which i dont have) Then it says 'Rather than charging you for a full request for information i have returned your cheque for £10 and trust this information meets your requirements if you wish to make a complaint about your payment protection insurance policy please visit out website for details (didnt know i had any payment protection) they consider my request completed. i got my postal order back and also some sheet of paper with my personal account number on and my personal loan on and a N next to where it says payment protection sold so im baffled what are they all playing at!! xxx
  2. ill email them as they have got hold of my phone number and are houding my life!!!
  3. no probs i will do that, do you think i could just email that letter to moorcroft as i wont be able to get to a post office until monday with childcare and work commitments? x
  4. ok i will sit and write down as much of the conversation as i can remember, thank you so much for your help x
  5. SAR sent to Barclays i will update when i get a reply of them - many thanks
  6. oh sorry to be a real pain in the butt! do i put the account numbers on the SAR that i am requesting information on? or will they be able to bring it all up from my name and address?
  7. oh also do i need to tell moorcroft im waiting for responce to SAR or do i set up a payment plan with them using the budget sheet while im waiting?
  8. Ok ill send SAR today to that address, i know i didnt save the copies as i didnt want my partner to find them and worry about it although i have told him now as it was all getting to much to handle on my owne. I did have a telephone conversation with someone from Barclays after they took money out of my personal account and put it to the buisness account to pay even more charges (about £200) and they took it! i rang them up and said that was my bill money for my rent etc and they refused to do anything they said the overdraft and my personal loan (which i also fell behind with) were priority debts and they took money for the personal loan as well as the buisness account. that day i withdrew the rest of the money in there and went and opened a bank account at nat west and changed my tax credits and wages child benefit etc over to that account so they couldnt just dip into my account when they felt like it. in the phone call i told them there was no work they asked what i was doing to get work what was my plan to salvage it i said there wasnt a plan, people have just stopped spending money and after insurance's etc it was making a loss so there was no point i also told them that people were not paying their bills and its left me in a real mess they werent intrested we were going round in circles she had me in tears and i just had to say ok i need to go now cos i couldnt phyically get my words out and i felt like i was talking to a brick wall!! would that conversation come up on the SAR?? i know that call was in May last year xx
  9. i didnt send a SAR as someone said with it being a buisness account not to, so do you think i should send a SAR to barclays for this account?
  10. i dont it was so long ago and i was really stressed and didnt even think of keeping copies ... stupid i know. Sorry
  11. hi from what i can remember (i was in a bad place a year ago buisness stopping trading letting 2 lads go etc) 1. I wrote to them approx April last year maybe a little before i actually sent about 3 letters but i didnt send any recorded as i didnt even know this site existed i just put them in normal post box and then they kept writing saying i was ignoring them so i sent back that i wasnt etc but never and a responce to my letters. 2. I told them the situation that the work had dried up the lads had been let go and a builder left me in the **** and didnt pay a invoice that was meant to clear the overdraft and could i pay it of on a monthly installment basis and also would they not put charges etc on 3. the balance was approx £800 over drawn 4. the amount due now is 1227.90 5 havent checked CRA file yet ill do that this afternoon 6 i got a letter last week of Barclays to say the debt is being managed by moorcroft and they have since wrote to me as well. x
  12. oh and thank you so much for the advice it has made me feel a lot better its easy to get caught up in the debt situation and worry immensely over it, it can feel like your the only one in this situation its good to know there are others in the same situation with debt and nothing to drastic will happen at 1st i was terrifed i would be chucked in prison and loose my kids its easy to get carried away with your thoughts when your in a mess, so thank you x
  13. sorry for the confusion with the company thing. i will sit and do calculations with the budget planning form, do i send moorcroft a copy of my budget form as well?
  14. just had a quick look at budget planner, i have a few debts that arent 'priority' so to speak... household bills (there up to date and so is rent) how do i work out who to give what to who, is it by the amount i owe them? a percentage of the amount left over each month to the amount owing? im a bit confused thank you x
  15. it wasnt LTD just a small buisness that was set up a few years ago, ok will use budget planner and work out a offer of repayment, do you think £20 per month would hold them of taking me to court for it? to be honest they would get nothing more at court as i have nothing more to give i dont owne my home its rented i have nothing of value no vehicle or anything. Its stressing me out no end.
  16. no it wasnt my name it was a buisness name a company name, it was a plumbing buisness and there was empolyee's i just owned the buisness, the employee's were made redundant and got other jobs and the buisness was left with this overdraft due to a builder doing the bunk and not paying his invoice or being contactable the buisness ceased trading and im left with the overdraft from the bank to sort out.
  17. no i havent ill take a look tonight after work and ill get the SAR to barclays, moorcroft wont take it any further whilst im waiting for a responce to the SAR will they? x
  18. i sent dispute letter over a week ago today got a letter of llowell saying we regret to note that despite correspondence regarding your account we have not recieved payment or a valid reason for non - payment failure to respond to this notice may result in further action being taken against you to recover money owed by you Any ideas on what i should do? x
  19. Ok the letter has arrived of moorcroft saying full payment of £1223.07 to be made within 7 days or further action etc etc.... i would rather not ignore as i actually work at barclays (for a outside contractor not for barclays but at a barclays branch and i had to sign something at the start of my employment a few years ago to say i didnt un lawfully owe barclays money. do i write to moorcroft and tell them i am willing to set up a payment plan at a rate i can afford however i would like to claim charges back Have sent S.A.R to barclays to see what charges have been applied and try to bring the debt down to the origional amount or closer to it than £450 extra charges.. ..or do i just send barclays a S.A.R and ignore moorcroft. ..(ive had moorcroft turn up at the door a while ago for a differnt catalouge and would prefer not to have them show up again). I can afford to set up a payment plan of £20 per month for this do i write to moorcroft and tell them this or try and claim charges back 1st? im overwhelmed with it all and dont know what to do for the best. Thank you x
  20. Hi wondering if someone would be able to help me please im so worried i can barely sleep and have constant stress headaches I work part time have 2 young children and a low income which is topped up with WTC i have some debts that im trying to sort out. I had a buisness current account with Barclays the buisness stopped trading over a year and half ago as it was no longer making money there was no debt on the buisness apart from the overdraft on my barclays buisness account which was £800 i sent letters to barclays asking them if i could pay this of by installments and i sent income and expenditure forms, unfortunatly i wasnt clued up or anything and didnt know this forum existed so i never sent letters recorded or anything just regular post. I never had any responce to my letters and the buisness account was closed after £450 charges was added to it. I havent heard anything from them in approx 14 months and i knew the day would come when i would but i just stupidly ignored it worrying myself in the mean time. i got a letter today of barclays saying Moorcroft were now managing this debt and i should contact them on a matter of urgency to discuss payment. I havent as yet had any letters of Moorcroft although i suspect they are on there way. So what do i do? i know i ask for all communications in writing only... Should i wait for moorcroft to get in touch with me? im not denying i owe this debt so i dont see the point in a cca request is this correct? i want to pay it back but can only afford small monthly payments and i dont think it will be enough to keep moorcroft happy (£20 per month) i really want to avoid court action on this do you think its possible to avoid court action? I am so worried about it all. Also is it worth trying to claim any of the £450 charges back that has been added on? if so how do i do that? Many thanks in advance to you guys.. x
  21. Hi please can someone give me some advice on Lowell, i have basically got some financial difficulties since splitting with my partner i work part time and have 2 young children, there is a few debts that im trying to deal with writing and offering what i can however there was a littlewoods account that i had years ago for a couple of hundred and i stupidly stopped paying it when i went on maternity pay i heard nothing for a while no payments have been made on this account for approx 4 years and the amount has gone to £670.58 llowels then started chasing me for this debt and i sent them a cca request about a month ago, i had a letter last week saying as it was so long ago that i took the account out they had no agreement and said they wouldnt contact me again about it...then 1 week later i get a letter saying they are now in reciept of the agreement they are not obliged to send a exact copy of your signed agreement we are required to send a reconstituted copy of the version i would have signed and now i have to pay it in full (even though last week i was told i wouldnt be botherd about it anymore i still have that letter as well) they have sent me a blank agreement with no signiture or personal details and some terms and conditions could be from whenever though. Is this debt now enforcable? any idea of what i should write back or should i just offer 1 pound per month (as i dont have anything hardly spare as it is and have other debts to make payments to.) thank you Jen
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