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Everything posted by Shwansky

  1. Many thanks for the kind and supportive reply. During all previous annual boiler checks which were carried in the past when the boiler was under British Gas HomeCare and later with Scottish Power Homecomfort (or Discomfort) none of the engineers who carried out the checking did mention any problem with the boiler or the flue position After the boiler breakdown on the 26th March , Scottish Power sent an engineer(subcontracted) who examined the boiler . He just told me that the boiler fan was faulty. He did not mention anything about the boiler being dangerous. He then went outside the kitchen and looked at the flue which is positioned 20 cm from the edge of kitchen window(30 cm from the window glass) and he said that the flue should have been at least 30 cm away from the window. I was surprised to hear that as non of the engineers in the previous annual checks had ever mentioned this to me. If the position of the flue was incorrect in a way that might affect the terms of the cover then at least one of the SP engineers should had raised the issue with SP and its implications on the policy. It is obviously very odd that only after the boiler breakdown I was told of the flue problem by the last engineer. After a week when I didn’t hear anything from SP I decided to call SP to get an update of their action to fix the boiler, during that call I was informed for the first time by the SP operator that the boiler was classed as `Dangerous` and that I should switch it off. I was truly shocked to hear that. I asked SP operator, if the boiler was classed as dangerous then why the engineer did not warn me or at least leave a note or a label of warning on the boiler. Certainly it is unreasonable to switch on the boiler if it is faulty and especially if there was a warning note about it. If that is case then I believe that it is an utter a recklessness of SP or their subcontractor in failing to notify me of any danger. If I had not called SP on that occasion, then I would not have been aware of any danger until now. Although SP classed the boiler as dangerous, they failed to take any action until now to remedy the problem. So one wonder whether it is truly dangerous or simply SP does not honour its commitment toward the policy. I noticed that I am not the first or only SP customer with a newly discovered flue issue that SP is using to avoid its obligation.
  2. The combi boiler was installed about 10 years ago. It was covered with British Gas HomeCare policy for about four years during which it had broken down once and fixed promptly diligently and professionally by British Gas. Towards the fifth year of the Homecare cover with British Gas, the monthly payment was increased few ponds so I decided to switch to a cheaper option and I took up ScottishPower Homeconfort policy about three years ago. The boiler was working as usual without any problems until the 25th March2012 when it broke down. The boiler seemed to be working as I can hear the usual noise when it is operating. but without ignition so there is no heating or hot water. No ignition and no flame. According to the terms of the policy, the boiler was inspected and tested as part of the annual service check which was arranged by British Gas and later by Scottish Power. The annual boiler service check is arranged after receiving a letter from British Gas or Scottish power every year. Last routine annual inspection of the boiler was arranged by Scottish Power last autumn. The inspection was carried out by an engineer from Carillion. On each annual check the boiler passed the test. No issues of safety or concerns were raised by the inspectors on each occasion. On the 25th March the boiler broke down as I described above. I called Scottish Power and an engineer from a subcontracted company was dispatched to examine the boiler. and identified a fault with the pump or the fan of the boiler as the cause of the breakdown, nothing else was mentioned about the state of the boiler. He identified a fault with the pump or the fan of the boiler as the cause of the breakdown, nothing else was mentioned about the state of the boiler. The technician told me that he will send his report to SP for further the action. Fortunately the winter cold weather is behind and heating isn’t very fatally needed, however without hot water it is a bit below the advocated standard homecomfort of SP. I was expecting that the boiler would be fixed within a week. I called Scottish Power today 2/4/2012 ,after confirming my personal details, I was asked by the operator `how can I help you?`, it sounds as if SP do not keep a record of the calls. I was very astonished during this call to be informed for the first time that my boiler is classified as `dangerous`, and that I should not turn it on. I replied that if the boiler is faulty so certainly there is no point of turning it on. If it is classified as dangerous, then surly there must be some urgent action by SP to fix it and element the danger. I am wondering how long I have to wait for fixing the boiler or whether there is any other way legally to complain about it. 11/4/2012 Ten days passed since my last call. I did not any call from SP regarding the boiler as I was advised last time. Today I called SP and the same operator `Rebecca` answered, again after confirming my details, she asked me the same ignorant and painful question How can I help you?`. After a short holding pried, she told me again that the boiler is classed as dangerous because the flue of the boiler is not in the right place, therefore it is not covered by SP. I should call an engineer at my expenses to change the position of the flue. It is seems that I get new piece information about the state of the boiler after each call. I signed up for this boiler cover with SP about three years ago. The boiler was inspected by SP assigned a technician at the start of the cover and further during the annual service check, the boiler passed the test on each occasion. Nobody mentioned any problem with the flue. I presume that if the there was an issue with the position of the flue , then it should have been identified during on of the pervious inspection. It is outrageous that on after this break down of the boiler that SP is trying not to honour it is obligation towards this cover in this manner. I am still paying for the cover by direct debit. It seems that I am paying money to SP for nothing. I would be very grateful for any helpful advice on any further action.
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