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angie 16

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Everything posted by angie 16

  1. BG attract heavy penalties from the authorities for this kind of transgression,.....I have pointed this very thing out to them (BG) in correspondence,....yep, you guessed it, NOTHING. You have to sue. Either go to small claims (going up to £15,000 this month) yourself,....OR, get yourself an interested practitioner who is au fait with Harassment cases. A solicitor's letter (for some reason) seems to carry more weight!! Seemples!!! A
  2. Just thinking out loud here,.....I wonder how many customers simply 'pay up' just to get rid of their(BG's) relentless demands. I personally thought that demanding money with menaces was illegal. AnyHoo, It should be up to British Gas to offer you compensation for harassment,..and then for you to haggle and up the offer. A letter every day is certainly excessive, especially when you have repeatedly informed them of their error. Write to the CEO of Centrica,....It does tend to concentrate their mind,..... and get you to the person you need to be negotiating with. I know, because I have been there....... A
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