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Everything posted by faith83

  1. Thanks again for all your help. My partner did contact the Vets but we still haven't heard anything yet I thought they would of replied by now. However he did receive yet another email off Quest couldn't believe what we were reading. It was an email regarding someone elses account it contained all there personal details. My partner replied with a sarcastic comment and Quest pleaded that he delete the email containing this poor gents personal info and to tell them when he has done so. I can't believe people can be so careless. We consider ourselves dencent honest people. What if this information got into the wrong hands. And also what if they have made the same mistake with my partners details. We would be none the wiser. Its shocking.
  2. Thank you all so much for all your help my partner has sent an email to the vets asking if they are willing to accept payment arrangment without using Quest. I have a funny feeling they will say no though. We shall see. I will registier with PDSA though great idea thanks
  3. Thanks for all your replys. The balance is £650 but as its been passed to Quest they have kindly added intrest of £300 bringing the total to £950. Everything is in my partners name although it was me who signed all the paper work for treatment etc. We did try and sort it with the Vets directly at the beginning the receptionist was very rude as we hadn't been intouch and she said she's passing the debt to collection agency so don't think I'd be able go back to them now. Do they have to accept my offer or can they pressure for more? Can anyone help as to what to write back to them I haven't a clue. Thanks again in advance. XX
  4. Thanks for your speedy reply. I've been reading a few posts on here I wasn't aware u didn't have to share that info with them. They have asked for proof of income etc do I have to send them this?
  5. Hi just woundered if anyone has delt with Quest debt recovery before? To cut along story short our puppy dog became ill and needed an operation we went to. Vets4pets and was left with a hefty vet bill we had already told them before they operated payment wasn't going to be made in full. I went in twice to make payments but then stopped me and my partner were financially struggling so we need to prioroties things. In the end they sent the debt to Quest who have really been hounding us. We offered payment of £10 per month they asked for a breakdown of our income and outgoings which I sent. Today I received a letter asking me to fill in a finacial statement and to provide proof of income and proof. Of bills etc are they allowed to do this and am do I have to send them? And now ivejust had an email from them to say there client won't accept our offer of £10 they want £50 and they want first payment to reach them by 30th Jan. If we don't sent payment they will proceed to court to obtain judgement agaist me. Please. Can anyone advise me on what to do I haven't got a clue
  6. Thank you everyone for replying, I rang again today and was told the overpayment was showing I've been overpaid 591 pounds, I aked if any action as going to be taken as I was worried they might think I've defrauded them on purpose, which I haven't I explained again how I'd had a lot on etc, she said the letter is in the post to me and I've just to make an arrangement to repay it, I've been in contact with them and made a weekly arrangement, I feel so much better now . Thanks again everyone I think this site is brill lots of information xx
  7. I hope so I've told them and fully admit I've been wrong and just want to pay it back and she noted all that down, I'm just scared they will send me a letter for an interview, I can only wait now, she said it can take upto 7weeks to process!
  8. I just can't help but think they will look at all there notes and say you said this date now I've changed it to this date, one women was quizzing me when I ended the claim asking what I was living on as I was on unpaid leave I just said tax credits and my child benefit, I should of told her then he'd started work, but I just paniced (. When I rang yesterday she looked back at the notes and saw that and said u could of told us then, I explained to her that I paniced, as I knew I should of informed them earlier, and she just went on to say they will look into it...-ve built up an overpayment of about 650 pounds. I really don't want to be suspected of fraud
  9. Sorry my maternity ended on 20th May 2013, not 2012! Will they not class it as benefit fraud because I have given misleading information? I really can't stop thinking about this I just want them to calculate what I owe and me pay it back and be done with it. I have told them I wasn't thinking straight, as at the time I had a lot on with my son being ill etc, I just can't help but think they r going to make an example of me, will I have to attend an interview under caution? Any advice is greatly apperciated
  10. Hi everyone, first I apologise if I have posted this in the wrong place. I need some advice..... I have been in receipt of Housing benefit and council tax support since dec 12 when my partner came out of work. I was on maternity leave until may 2012. He started working again on 21st feb this year, he was working away, I stupidly forgot to notify them, and only thought about it when the wrote to me asking for my payslips as my maternity had ended and they had suspended my claim. I sent my payslips without a second thought, but still didn't tell them my partner had started work, I don't want to make excuses but my new baby son has health problems hence my head being all over, he's currently seeing a consultant at the hospital. I then after this got a letter asking for more info they wanted bank statements, well I just paniced as my partners wages have been going in the account. I rang them and told them I wanted my claim ending as my partner had started work and I was returning also, as I didn't want to get into trouble I said he started that week (stupid I know). The next day I rang them back as I realised I could get into serious trouble for this and I didn't want this to happen and is wasn't my intention, I explained how he worked away and my son has been ill and I haven't been thinking straight, he totally sympathized with me and told me not to worry and I'd just receive a bill for the overpayment of benefit. I have rang everyday to see if the have looked into it yet but they haven't. I am sooo scared they r going to think I have lied on purpose to get benefits which is not the case, I have offered to repay everypenny as soon as possible. Will I get in trouble for fraud?? Can anyone give any info on what to do please, thank you in advance xx
  11. It was Bolton Council, what do you know about them? Someone on here mentioned the same thing yesterday over a company called capita. I cant tell you how much I have learnt over the past day or so reading on this site. Cant thank people enough for taking the time to advise and help others on here, i think its fab xx
  12. Never thought of that, when i ring council on friday to pay the 200 i wil mention that to them. They really arent a nice bunch of people at equita id rather ring council, at least i can relax now! Ive got my scan tomorrow so looking forward to that now to see if were having girl or boy:-)
  13. Hi thanks to everyone who has helped me with this matter, im pleased to say ive finally had result:-) It was for council tax arrears, i contacted the recovery team at the council again and they told me i need to prove my pregnancy, i went down to the office and was seen i explained everything and she knew that bailiff action had to be stopped as im pregnant and vunerable. She photocopied all my pregnancy notes and rang recovery i have to pay 200 on friday and 100 every month to the bailiff. She said all action will be stopped and im just to ring 'Equita' each month and pay 100. Im so glad its been sorted, thanks again for all the advice, i have to say i do feel for people who dont know there rights and where to find help. Thanks again everyone
  14. Ive just contacted to council he kept saying i had to speak with bailiff so i explained that he wouldnt make payment arranement with me and he said yes thats because you have broken them in the past I explained that i was pregnant and that id spoken to citizens advice, he has now said to go down with proof of my pregnancy to see if i can stop the bailiff action my plan is now to take all my pregnancy notes down and see where i stand.
  15. Hi i first posted on here yesterday explaining my situation, the bailiff has just turned up and lucky my partner was there as i felt intimidated. He said he wasnt prepared to accecpt payment offer, and handed me notice of seizure and inventroy of goods i refused to sign it, on it he listed my partners bmw which was parked on our drive he also handed me a bailiff removal notice giving 24hours to pay in full and it says if i dont contact then its taken as my refusal to pay. I did not let the bailiff into my home and reminded him as im classed as vunerable being 5months pregnant he just shurgged it off. I also asked him to produce his ID and he failed to do this, and i asked to see the liability order that he said he had with him when we spoke on the phone yesterday, he didnt show this either so i dont think he has it, he said i should of got one through the post? which i havent. Please can someone help with advice on what action i should take next thank you in advance.
  16. Thank you brassnecked I shall keep that in mind if the bailiff does happen to call, he has mostly said threats over the phone saying if i dont pay the full 543 he will come with a van and sezie goods, but there isnt a levy in place??? I will see what the council office says when i ring them later, as i didnt mention it yesterday, i didnt think it would make much difference how wrong am i!! What would the council do if the case is eventually passed back to them? If i keep making automated payments to them will this go in my favour and pervent further action?
  17. Thanks for all your help, I shall contact the council again and if need be i shall provide proof of my pregnancy, what action do i take if i get any other letters from equita baliffs?
  18. No the car is paid for its hard to keep it away but i will try, i read that some baliffs can contact dvla for reg number etc? I will remind the council of the vunerable category and ask to make payment to them, if they refuse i shall use the automated service or pay online, shall i send any letters to equita telling them my intentions?
  19. Thanks alot for advice, i will definatily not be contacting the baliff again now, i will ring the council and make payment direct to them and tell them of my situation being pregnant, Do i tell them that the baliff action is to stop? Its Bolton council, what do you know about these? hope i don't have trouble!! No levy has been done so no items listed. We have a car but its in my partners name can the baliff do anything as the debts in my name.
  20. hi thanks for replying...... No the baliff hasnt gained peaceful entry and when i rang council they said they hadnt got a levy on anything. I didnt mention i was 5 months pregnant to the council, I did mention to the baliff that i was pregnant but he wasnt bothered, he said he had a liability order and i had to pay the 543 in full. What should i do shall i contact the council again? thanks again
  21. Hi everyone Im new to this site so please bear with me ........ Ok i first received a letter off Equita back in November 2011 for unpaid council tax, i rang them and made payment arrangment, they told me i had two seperate accounts and i agreed to pay 20 pounds on each every 30 days, i was few days late with one payment so they cancelled my arrangment and asked me to pay 80 pounds before they would set up another i paid the 80 and they set up, anyway since then i havent paid anything as im currently off work as im pregnant and have SPD. I recieved a letter today saying 'notice of removal' it says the baliff is it the area and shall be calling to sezie goods. I contacted to company straight away and they told me i had to speak to the baliff direct i was put through to him and he demand the full payment of one of the accounts (543 pounds) the other account (704 pounds) he would be willing to set arrangment up. I explained my situation but wasnt at all bothered and said to ring back friday to see what ive come up with!! In the meantime i rang the council and was told they wouldnt take the accounts back i was to keep trying with the baliff, i also rang citizens advice they just said not to let them in etc. In a last attempt to try and resolve the matter i rang the baliff back and said i could only pay 150 pounds by friday and could i pay the rest the following month he said the reminder of the 543 would have to paid in 14days?? The conversation ended by him saying have a look at it and see what else you can do. This is really stressing me out i have two kids already and pregnant with my third, i would appreciate any advice, also im not even 100% sure that is all council tax may be some charges i dont know, would i be able to pay the council direct even though i havent got an arrangment with them. Any help woud be much appericiated:-(
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