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Eastcoast Falcon

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Everything posted by Eastcoast Falcon

  1. I have to agree letshelp. 49 minutes over at 0 pence per hour doesn't equate to 75p never mind £75 so I'll just brace myself for the red letters and ignore the greedy so and so's.
  2. Thanks Michael for your reply. I presumed that this may be the case, I just thought maybe our "mugshots", fuzzy as they are, would give them extra evidence, even though I don't dispute it was me driving. It's more a case a)I didnt know there was a time limit b) the shops were shut when we returned and the car park virtually empty and c) there was no signage at the entrance to the car park to say it was a time controlled free car park.
  3. Sorry my reply seems to have posted without me finishing it here it continues: One difference with my letter from those I have read is that my letter includes 2 photos of me and the wife driving into the car park at 16.02 and then another leaving at 18.49. The first photo is clearer than the second but still blurry. The second is the back of my car in the dark. My question is - Does this give the company anymore "clout" with regards to making me pay the £75 - reduced to £50 for quick payment!
  4. Hi everyone. I have also just received a Charge Notice letter from Highview Parking for staying 47 minutes over my 2hrs free parking after watching a 2hr plus film. I was unaware there was a time limit and seeing as there are only 2 shops which use this car park and both were shut ( the car park was virtually empty ) its seems rather strange. One difference with my letter from those I
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