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  1. Feb 2009 made initial complaint to FOS. August 2010 had to write a letter of complaint to the Chief Ombudsman to get her and her staff to " get their finger' out. Sept 2010 Adjudicator makes her decision (quite a good one, I got lucky) didnt last long, insurers refused it and appealed to the Ombudsman to make her final decision. Enter the Ombudsman and royally f... it up. Feb 2011 I get the final decision which is so full of holes, grey areas you name it, the insurers involved are running rings around the FOS. Feb 2012 and I am still not settled as the FOS are the most pathetic spineless, toothless tiger, smokescreen, insurance-bank-overall financial services propaganda Oxygen Thief - Waist of Rations in the country! Ive went through the FOS full internal complaints procedure, complaining about the FOS themselves. Even all the way up to the so called Independent Assessor who is again a cheese dick excuse for independent, hmmmmmm how many people at the FOS have actually worked for Insurance companies and banks etc and will go back after their FOS attachment. I have been lied to on several occassions and most recently when the Chief Ombudsman, Lead Ombudsman and deciding ombudsman blatantly lied through thEIr pie holes when I caught them Breaking-Changing-Overruling their own FINAL & LEGALLY BINDING DECISION. TOP TIP FOLKS, BOLLOCKS TO AN FOS COMPLAINT, FIND A LAWYER
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