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  1. Sorry if im in the wrong thread i just wanted to ask some advice on CFO. I stupidly took a loan out with CFO for £400 on the repayment date they took the interest only i had been away on holiday so hadn't noticed for 2 weeks presumed it had been settled. I then noticed there had been random amounts taken from my account the next month on different days when i called them they said it was the interest and i still owed the full amount i argued this and was told the debt would increase £50 a day until i pay it off. I refused and then was bombarded with txts and calls saying some one was coming to my home which after reading posts on here i did not worry about and expected them to take me to court this was around October 2012. I had the odd letter which i ignored and now im getting the CFO Resolve offers which are blatantly a con. the past 12 months ive got myself out of the mess i got into and am trying to build my credit profile the thing is CFO do not show on my file i have paid all my other debts and just wondering what the best thing to do with this outfit would a reduced offer to settle taking into consideration the interest they took underhandedly work. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  2. Hi guys sorry if this is on an old post I can't find the link to start a new post. I just wanted some advise on Mackenzie hall. I got my self in a mess with pay day loans. I've had 2 letters today from Mackenzie hall for a lending stream debt of £425 which I did have and stopped paying as my account was wiped out by Capital Finance one I was taking loans to pay rent and got into a mess. The letter I have states I have been passed to merit force for a doorstep sanction. I do want to start paying these debts off and was going to email Mackenzie hall today to try to set up a payment plan but thought I would seek some advice first. In regard to capital finance one I had £400 outstanding but as the cleaned out my account I had to change banks I've had a letter a few weeks ago stating I now owe£1500??? As I say I do want to clear my debt just after some advice Thanks
  3. 10:17AM 01-02-2012 Instead of a number it came up from FRAUDALERT where the number is displayed: My name Please contact us URGENTLY on 01312141101. We suspect FRAUD on your account! P.C. O'Grady REF 151xxx I noticed the reference number was the same as the PREREMOVALS txt I had : 17-01-2012 12:34pm My name , I am due to CALL to your address on the 17/01/12 between 5pm-9pm to STOP action call 01704610001 to make a token payment TODAY. A L WRIGHT. CASE ID 151xxx Few hours later I get another one: MY name, I am due to CALL to your address NOW to STOP action call 01747593007 to make a token payment TODAY. A L WRIGHT. CASE ID 151xxx I then had the same message at about 8pm Then on the 27th jan I had this message twice the same day. MY name, I am due to CALL to your address NOW TO STOP action call 01617381201 to make a token payment TODAY. Ian Davies. CASE ID 151xxx I will email all the details to the OFT in the morning and let you know how I get on I've obviously taken my name out and blanked the last part of the ref number. It's shocking they can send things like that. This site is superb and has eased my worries knowing their is help available. I'll be back on if I hear anything from oft Cheers guys
  4. Hi I have an outstanding pdl with capital finance one and have missed 2 payments now from yesterday I have emailed them to see if I can set up a payment plan and they refused and said I need to cover the interest and if I do not pay £50 will be added every 3 days it's outstanding. I have since received 3 messages from AL Wright PREREMOVALS txt and the 2 txts the same with the same ref number but from R Davies saying they were coming to my house. No one came and as advised on this site I doubt they will. Today I had this txt : FRAUDALERT Xxxxx Please contact us URGENTLY on 01312141101. We suspect FRAUD on your account! P.C. O'Grady REF xxxx. I called the number and got mc collections I said I had a txt about fraud she wouldn't say any more until I gave my name and address I hung up. I would like to start clearing the debt but don't know who to contact cf1 don't want to listen do I leave it to see if they take me to court? They have not logged anything on my credit file? Any advice would be very gratefully received thanks
  5. Thanks Stigman I'll send a recorded letter and hopefully AL Wright will disappear. Cheers
  6. Thanks mate I've kept the txts who do I report it to? do you have any advice on what to do about the debt do i wait for a formal letter ? I've read the posts on here and felt a little more at ease but you never now it would've the horrors if someone did turn up. Thanks again
  7. Hi I too have had a txt MSG from PREREMOVALS 3 in total today at 8am again at 4 and the last at 7 pm Saying the following: ,I am due to CALL to your address NOW to STOP action call 01747593007 to make a token payment TODAY. A L WRIGHT. I do have a payday loan with capital finance one and have missed a payment I did email them but had no response after reading the post's I guess they have sold it onto this guy. No one has called at the house and I've had no letters to say it had been passed on. I intend to pay back what I borrowed but what do I do to stop this guy calling at the house or is it just a scare tactic?
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