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  1. To be honest I would probably draft the letter for her, based on one of the sample letters from the National Debt Helpline (Google: "national debtline full and final settlement" and then look at the sample letter) But reword it so that it comes from the wife and with a simple letter from the husband saying something like "Please accept this offer of payment from my wife and I give you permission to correspond with her over this debt". There might be somewhere on the internet an example standard letter where a relative of the person with the debt wants to make a one off offer of payment to creditor. but I cannot find such an example letter. I will try and post a draft letter that the wife could send. It is much more difficult as the husband is very uncooperative but I don't wish to go into the details. I think the card may have been stopped due to the level of debt on it. The wife has made a lot of interest only payments as she is very worried about the spiralling debt and thinks this is the best way to stop the debt from growing exponentially. I will possibly try and get more details about the contract later.
  2. Hello "The mould" and everyone, Thanks for your kind words of encouragement. I am thinking of giving the following advice to the wife. Not to pay any further money to the CC company in repose to their demands. Any money she pays will look as if this money is coming from the husband which is not the case. To persuade the husband to send a letter asking the CC company to freeze the interest on the account explaining he has no income of his own. (The husband has recently written a single letter to the CC company but did not explicitly request for the interest to be frozen) For her to write a letter to the CC company offering a full and final settlement for a third of the amount owed. With an accompanying letter of authority from the husband. If the offer of a third is not accepted then offer half the amount. It this the right advice to give to the wife? I am not knowledgeable on this subject and so would like to check with you all that this is good advice and the best thing to do. Thanks you for your support.
  3. What are the chances of CC company of pursing and being successful on getting a charging order with this level of debt? Does anybody have any experience on this and any pointer where to find this out? If court always finds in the CC companies favour then it is going to be very difficulty to negotiate with them on this. So it would be very helpful to find out what the likely result of a judgement on this would be. Bear in mind that _only_ income and savings available to repay anything are from the wife who does not have the debt. Thanks
  4. I have some questions about a relative’s debt. They are a married couple who own their own home and the husband has built up a credit card debt of over £7000. The husband cannot find any work and cannot claim unemployment benefit as the wife has a small amount of savings that will just cover all of the husband's debt. The husband does not have any income of his own. The mortgage is paid off. The wife worried about the growing debt gave some money to her husband to pay off the some of the money owed. But this had the unfortunate effect of increasing the credit limit on the card allowing the husband to get even further into debt. The husband could not be persuaded to cut up and return the card. As they own their own home held in joint names, what is the likely scenario if no further money is paid towards the husband’s debt? Would a County Court Judgment followed by an "Order for Sale" be inevitable if the debt is not paid off? I am interested to hear what you all think is the best course of action to avoid an "Order for Sale" on the property which is held in joint names, without the wife giving up all her savings. It seems unfair that while the husband has incurred the debt his wife may be forced to contribute from her savings or else risk losing their home. Is there any way for the husband to leave a frozen debt in his sole name and prevent a CCJ followed by an "Order of Sale"? Your views and help, please, Thank you.
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