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Everything posted by Kaptainemerica

  1. Hello all, A bit of back story, I was discharged from bankruptcy in 2010, the reason for it was not due to my own money mismanagement it was essentially fraud by family member which put me in this position- but that's irrelevant as far as credit reports go. I recently applied for finance on a new cheap car and was refused, now I know that this is possibly to be expected with bankruptcy being present on the credit file however I know of many individuals who have been bankrupt 2 times and on the day of discharge were able to obtain finance on a car, mobile phones but did get offered a credit card from my bank. I know things are tighter now but one person I know was made bankrupt in the same year as myself, he now has a mortgage, finance and mobile phones which leads me to believe that something unusual is in play. After discussing my situation with him it was suggested that a problem on my credit file could be responsible for my rejections. I recently signed up to Equifax to determine the cause and now I am non the wiser. The Bankruptcy order is present in the court section - should it be? There are defaults in the credit agreements that were associated to the initial bankruptcy order, should they be there? Does age affect the after discharge consequences? I was 22 when I received my discharge letter. Another important question playing on my mind is, I am relocating for work within the UK in 2 months, I am now very worried that I will be unable to obtain rented accommodation despite currently living in rented accommodation. Should I be concerned about this considering I am unable to even take out a mobile phone? Thank you for reading and I eagerly await your advice.
  2. Hi Lee, Thank you for your response (especially as i have yet to contact you) The customer care department over the phone could learn alot from you! I have just completed the email query using the link provided but i received no reference number. I did however mention the code and supplied a link to the forum page. I anticipate Vodafone's response. Many Thanks.
  3. Hello, I just signed up here and my name is Mark. My problems first started back in October last year, my account with Vodafone was victim to identity theft and 2 phones where taken out both at £60 a month. After 2 -3 months i managed to get the money back and some additional credit as compensation however i was never able to receive a report regarding the details of the incident, every time i asked they said they would send it to me but i never received a thing. Then Vodafone thought it would be best if they locked down my account to prevent further misuse, fair enough, only they didn't tell me anything about this so when i tried to call to request a change of address they said they will phone me on my other phone number to confirm my identity. Great, i don't have another number, never have, VF refused to communicate to me without phoning the other number first. I would call VF every 2 days to dig for myself to see what has been going on, each time requesting a manager, each one providing little to no support. eventually i realize that the secure confirmation number they had assigned for this incident was the phone that was defrauded, they were calling the imposer the whole time to verify if i was me! So as the 'customer care' department was incompetent i asked what other way can i prove who i am and change my address, apparently i can go to the shop to show my passport, utility bill and a third ID. I did this 3 times in the space of 2 months and each and every time VF failed to acknowledge me as the account holder. each time they promised £10 to be accredited to my account for my inconvenience, never saw that either. In the end i was with a phone that i couldn't change my address etc on so i said to VF if this isn't sorted out today i am done, i will cancel and get a different service provider etc. They actually said "go on then" so i did. I wrote a letter to the CEO of VF detailing this event, why i am no longer paying etc. It was well written and i never received a response, i sent the letter recorded so i thought they will make the next move. 6 Months on and i have had no letters from VF, they emailed me every month with special offers and my monthly bill which i am not paying for. FPC have now popped a couple of letters through the door, i am sure VF shouldn't have sold the dept off until at least making contact with me for themselves. Has anyone had a situation like this? what did you guys do? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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