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Everything posted by gammon13

  1. sorry cd didn`t think about free advertising you need to be impartial i know
  2. Well guys WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perseverance and bloody minded determination on our part and expert know how and support from you guys led to our farce of a court case being dropped, by non other than HFO themselves. We were sent a bundle from them that included a very ropey cca some even ropier statements but still no proof of notice of assignment. At this stage i admit i thought we were DONE FOR!!! Despite this the marvelous solicitors being EDIT who were very kindly recommended by COLEDOG thought we had a strong case and as such HFO requested a STAY of court to delay the process to presumably menace us into settling or obtain further evidence-which naturally would have already been forthcoming if they had any access to it. In anticipation of a court stay hearing being 9th of March(last Friday-imagine my joy when I returned home to receive a letter from Turnbull stating that HFO were dropping the entire case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In short i cannot thank The CAG enough and all of you personally involved for your support-The difference this has made to our lives is difficult to put into words and we can finally sleep easy. My message to anyone reading this thread is DONT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The essence of what these companies are trying to do is illegal regardless of wether you do or did owe money to your original lender once they have purchased the debt they have to operate in a certain lawful manner in order to obtain the money-This only is actually put to the test when they are in a court of law and my account and indeed the many others on this site prove that every method they implement up to court date is unacceptable, menacing and bullying AND MOST IMPORTANTLY UNLAWFUL-PLEASE DON`T GIVE IN TO THEM AND TAKE HEED OF THE CAG ADVICE AND FOLLOW THEIR PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES. If you do need specific legal assistance then i cannot recommend EDIT. He was so helpful, friendly and took the time to really make the difference. We received legal advice that not only didn`t cost us a penny i`m sure made the difference in the case being dropped. That said rest assured had we have gone to court I would have had no hesitation in employing the firm to represent us at the risk of cost to ourselves. CAG we will be a donation winging its way to you-there isn`t enough money in the world to express our sincerest thanks(although some of you may argue that point!!!) Peace of mind is everything!!!!!!!!!!!! HFO 0 GAMMON 1 YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. sorry for confusion-working on behalf of a friend-same computer-i also use cag and have quarell with HFO at mo!!!!
  4. ok good advice just don`t want this to escalate to court or CCJ heaven forbid
  5. NO idea when as can`t remember what for- if for arguments sake i was to settle, will this still drop off in August this year(date of default 2006)
  6. Hi all waiting for response from recommended solicitors now in relation to our case. In the meantime upon checking credit file have noticed that HFO have duplicated a credit agreement. Up until recently there was only one record but since this escalated to court they have added another in Dec 2011 after we received court papers. The amounts are all the same as are start and default dates. The only difference being the dates that the file is updated-one being Sept 2011 and the second being Dec 2011. The concern is that although there is only one alleged debt there are two different reference numbers one at the top of each entry. Surely all that should of been done was the date that the file was amended should of been updated. Surely to all intent and purposes this looks to any potential lender that there are TWO agreements not ONE which is blatently wrong and has yet another detrimental impact/ Has anyone else experienced this and are they allowed to do this as this just seems to get worse and worse HELP PLEASE.............................................
  7. more than willing to accept advice donkey you guys know far more than me and for that i am very grateful, at the time of defence submital i could only work with what i had been given and was not comfortable missing court deadline.
  8. No on all counts, barclaycard replied to sar with no information held on me for address that i provided. i think witness statement is next step and is what i need advice about please
  9. notice of allocation advising claim date received requesting supporting docs for defence and witness statements etc
  10. whats a ws-just getting info you requested-sent best defence pos no option intimescales given didnt want to submit late to court
  11. Hi all, despite our best efforts court date has arrived for beginning of March for small claims track need some real help now as out of depth-need to get all docs to court by end of Feb-they have dropped all interest so amount if just under £5k from £7.5k.Still absolutely gutted and advice greatly welcomed..........................
  12. hi , i have received an N150 from Northampton cc , and a N149 from TR . There defence to counterclaim states that ,1 in the absence of fully particularised counterclaim , the claimant is unable to establish the case it has to meet and provide any form of defence , 2 the defendant is labouring under the misapprehension that he is required to issue a counterclaim based upon his request to defend himself against the claim for monies due under the regulated credit ageement .
  13. hi , have now recieved court allocation questionnaire from northampton county court and have also received an allocation questionnaire and defence to counterclaim from TR . In section G of there questionnaire ( other information ) the amount they are now claiming has dropped by a considerable amount as it states that all interest that they were originally claiming is now to be disregarded and as a result the claim should now be allocated to the small claims track . Advice for next steps please .
  14. hi , have now recieved court allocation questionnaire from northampton county court and have also received an allocation questionnaire and defence to counterclaim from TR . In section G of there questionnaire ( other information ) the amount they are now claiming has dropped by a considerable amount as it states that all interest that they were originally claiming is now to be disregarded and as a result the claim should now be allocated to the small claims track . Advice for next steps please .
  15. I think its safe to say they have ignored every request i have sent them and indeed disputed such requests by means of `no postal order enclosed`after i sent chase up letter to original cca req. The original request unfortunately for them is dated by the post office in the form of a printed receipt which clearly states date and payable to HFO services.Enough said eh!! They have been sent receipt number and given the opportunity to receive a copy of the receipt.
  16. Lets hope they do-it`s the only just outcome-amazed and annoyed that they are allowed to even pursue this far and in this manner.anyone reading my defence in reading my in relation to their claim can see its an open and shut case.Yes to OFT have spoken and liased with Polly Ashford all info now being dealt with by Adele Rentsch she has hard copy of permission to disclose and bear witness. Will stick to guns re court and yes open to advice-just hope i don`t have to in the nicest possible way!!!!if my divorce was anything to go my standing your ground does work-going against barrister and solicitors advice paid off and standing up for what i believed and what was fair won through on the day-lets hope so!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Losing the will to live it all to be honest-have filed defence requesting a strike out.HFO poc are monies owed pursuant to a credit agreement and that they have provided a notice of assignment.They have sat on this for 4 YEARS and made contact for the first time two months ago-since then i have followed all guidelines requesting CCA but to date they are unable to provide. The notice of assignment was provided for the first time UNDATED one month ago despite having been re-assigned in Jan 08-I have not moved address or had post re-directed in this time so where is the proof??? I can substantiate all of my correspondence and requests via recorded delivery yet still a company can take an individual to court based on falsehood i`m starting to wonder who`s the idiot in all of this me or them. Effectively i have been given two months to repay and ALLEGED DEBT with NO PROOF!!!!!!! Surely there is some legallity with regard to these timescales ie an undated notice of assignment being sent just ONE MONTH AFTER INITIAL CONTACT AND ONE MORE BEFORE COURT ACTION-ON THE BASIS OF A CREDIT AGREEMENT THAT TO ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES DOES`NT EXIST.Madness takes a whole new meaning.ITS A BIT LIKE SOMEONE ALLEGING GREVIOUS BODILY HARM WITH NO VISUAL OR APPARENT INJURY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I.E THEIR WORD AGAINST MINE- DESPITE ME BEING ABLE TO SUBSTANSIATE MY ARGUMENT!!!!!!!!!!! LUNACY!!! We now have to wait once more at the mercy of HFO solicitors till Christmas Eve to see if they are going to advance to court appearance-MERRY CHRISTMAS TO US EH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never mind the pound notes-the emotion detriment of this me and my family is imeasureable.
  18. will fight to the death ha ha-i hate bullies!!
  19. you in the right place debtstressed there`s no guarantees but CAG advice is invaluable!!!! at least you know your giving it your best shot-we have to stand up to these idiots-their practices are underhand and unjust so good luck!! The office of fair trading are on their case i can promise you that after my dealings with them and that speaks volumes!!!!!!
  20. 28th Just sending all info off to OFT at the mo,do you advise mentioning in defence that OFT have been notified and we have sent authority to use my claim in pursuance of HFO and that OFT have asked for me to act as witness should the need arise. Also should we mention sending sar request to Barclaycard?? no reply received yet but they are within timescales
  21. Hi Coledog and Donkey were about to send court defence and kindly request your advice. The CPR31 was went to TR on the 7th Nov recorded delivery again no acknowledgment,no info received and no request for more time to complete request-they are 9 days late by not replying on all counts.Do we ask for strike out as our sole form of defense or send all info to court relating to the whole matter.HELP!!!!!!
  22. Thanks again your a star- got to log off now will be back on after work
  23. oh that would be great i`m in a bi t of a state with all this to be honest!!!!
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