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Everything posted by miket23

  1. hi there i have been reading the above and al not surprised at swift sterlings behaviour - they are rude and obtuse every time you speak to them = even when you are applyign for a loan... i was frustrated after successfully paying back 1 of their loans as they wouldnt accept a part payment - so i did a bit of homework on how to exact revenge..... unbeknown to me at the time of taking my first 2 loans with them you can cancel the agreement up to 14 days after it has been arranged - and then you get 31 days to pay off the fee - so in essence you get 14 more days to find the fees owed and also under contract they have to waver all the interest charges also!!! i did this and never used them again and it felt GREAT - as they dont use any form of credit agencies my cancellation hasnt affected my credit rating at all - not that i care cos i refuse to lend any more!!! so in short i borrowed £820 from them on 27th June and informed them of my wish to cancel on the 8th july - paid back my £820 - with no interest at all - on the 6th july!!! they sent me a few emails inviting me to loan again - yeah right cheers swift sterling - any1 wanting to reak revenge like i did go ahead!!!!!
  2. hi there i have been reading the above and al not surprised at swift sterlings behaviour - they are rude and obtuse every time you speak to them = even when you are applyign for a loan... i was frustrated after successfully paying back 1 of their loans as they wouldnt accept a part payment - so i did a bit of homework on how to exact revenge..... unbeknown to me at the time of taking my first 2 loans with them you can cancel the agreement up to 14 days after it has been arranged - and then you get 31 days to pay off the fee - so in essence you get 14 more days to find the fees owed and also under contract they have to waver all the interest charges also!!! i did this and never used them again and it felt GREAT - as they dont use any form of credit agencies my cancellation hasnt affected my credit rating at all - not that i care cos i refuse to lend any more!!! so in short i borrowed £820 from them on 27th June and informed them of my wish to cancel on the 8th july - paid back my £820 - with no interest at all - on the 6th july!!! they sent me a few emails inviting me to loan again - yeah right cheers swift sterling - any1 wanting to reak revenge like i did go ahead!!!!!
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