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Everything posted by rob7777

  1. It was on the landline phone, just a basic answering machine, unfortunately they only stay on for 3 days. Mite be worth gettin touch withy phone company
  2. hi , thort i'd tell you how things panned out. Rang the cpurt on tuesday morning, nothing under my name on the computer. rang hmrc, after passing the buck to different offices, was told i dont need to attend...they then rang and sed i still had to attend. told them i'd rang the court and they didnt have any record of me and i'd no letter from the magistrates to confirm it. They sed it wudnt show up on the computer as its a cps confiscation order. Anyway, they sed, after telling previously it was the court, that they were after the remaining interest. they sed if i payed it i wudnt have to attend, managed borrow it so never went to court and its them off my back. my feeling is they lied about the court date, put me n my family under a tremendous amount of strain n stress, and passed the buck wen questioned, i intend to file a complaint asap, not holding my breath for a response tho. Thanx for your time and help anyway.
  3. if i ring the court on tuesday wud it be possible to speak to the duty solicitor on the phone? If i can i"ll just do that, explain the situation and take it from there. thanx for your help btw. appreciate yor time
  4. So i gota go without a solicitor? where am i going to find representation at a days notice?
  5. well what if i never listened to that msg?? I'd be none the wiser, so what wud happen then? also i was at the docs last week with a bad back, cud hardly move, if i went to the docs cud he get it postponed? Thanx for your info Rob
  6. hi, yes mate, they sent a letter stating if i pay the 8,000 b4 the 31st, and pay £150pm off the interest, then i wudnt be required in court thanx for your swift response
  7. hi, we recieved a letter recently of a confiscation order from HMRC, informing me that i was due at a magistrate court hearing on the 31st aug. i owe them £8,000 + £1900 in interest charges!! the letter stated that if the amount was paid in full i wud NOT be required to attend court. I out of the area on the 31st so needed to get this matter settled. i wrote back asking if i cud settle the amount of 8,000 and pay the interest of monthly as thats the most we could ask for from family members, WITHOUT the need to attend court as i cudnt make the date.they again wrote back and agreed on the strict condition that it was paid in full, which i did. and i wudnt be reqiured at court. brilliant!! weight off my shoulders!!........NOT hmrc left a message on my answering machine on friday night saying i still had to attend court, stating it was the court who were saying i still had to attend, even tho its paid off!! so, friday the 26th aug, its bank holiday weekend so no chance of getting anything sorted till tuesday, a day b4 the hearing !! as ive sed i'm out of the area , is there anyway of canceling this? ring the court maybe? i'm at my wits end, wot will happen if i don't attend? even tho its been settled?? any help appreciated!!!! ASAP!!! thanx
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