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Everything posted by hatesdwp

  1. hey sweetie Listen I had the same this year i hadnt actually over claimed however my ex childminder who i sacked and who virtually stalked me took it upon herself to lie through her teeth telling them i was pay £50 a week less than i was!!! I got an overpayment of 8k and that was it! now 2 months later they are checking LAST years AS WELL!!! its almost harrassment really, ive proven my childcare since 2009 but they want the last penny if they can get it!
  2. OH MY GOODNESS!! what a panic your in!! stop panicking they are ONLY asking you for reciepts for your child care...do you have a contract?? I had the same last year and they are harrassing me this year as well, last year through the fact my ex childminder LIED through her teeth about her tax return for the year i was stung with a 7k over payment, which they just sent me a letter when id sent everything and said there you go.. pay it back, stop paniking send them what they ask and wait for the answer!!
  3. Hi Ive just had a very simular problem and my problem was that i changed childcare and i sacked my childminder and we had a very unpleasent ending. I did not keep the contract nor did she give me reciepts untill the very end of the contract. I cant approach this women, im not giving tax credits my personal bank statements and letting them nose through what i do in my personal life and my payments are not clear on thier anyway I asked them to drop her a letter just to confirm what i had paid and sent them the contract for my new provider with a letter signed by her to say how much id paid for the year My old childminder then found some recipets that did not match how much she'd overcharged me and did not match my figures and then promptly made me look like id over claimed when in fact i under claimed!! interesting thing was that tax credits did NOT ask her for the hours and hourly rate so my view is they were just looking for an overpayment, they found it and they wont take my figures against hers, or ask her for the contract (as then it would match) Ive now had to contact her, (which i REALLY did not want to do) and ask her for it, which she is going to take great pleasure in ignoring me, knowing i'll be screwed if she doesnt give it to me....moral of the story is hang on to those contracts and reciepts if you change childcare So if i were you i'd ask TC to write to your provider and explain the situation and im sure it will be fine
  4. Ive had this situation myself. Firstly move your car!! they cant take it if it used for work or bussness but the buggers will clamp it if they can! Secondly do NOT let a balliff in you have a right to tell them to leave your property and you DO NOT need to let them in, if you have made payments and have "significant hardship" you can ask the court who issued the order to call off the balliffs and you can be heard in court. Quite frankly you have a nasty balliff there and they should accept another payment arrangement, if they have not done a walking possesion yet (means they theroreticaly seize what they see if you dont pay) I just refused to even speak to them at all wouldnt respond or open the door, they called me to court where i explained id made payments and offered more however i was being bullied by the balliff and the court sorted out a new more realistic payment arrangement with me. The balliff company left me skint! and remember they are only people dont be afraid of them stand your ground and get some decent legal advice about setting up an arrangement, you cant get out of council tax im afraid, but you do have rights when theres no money
  5. oh how i wish that was true, she in fact had over her allowed amount of children, at one point she had 8! I understand paying more and never had a problem with this however when she wanted 350 a week plus £2 a meal £2 for snacks, plus expenses for days out that were totally over priced i was suddenly paying near £400 a week in holidays and then she demanded yet another 50p an hour...a little to much, when i left she told everyone i neglected my son and i was a c**p mother....nice!!
  6. oh i agree, i wouldnt want to be one of those people who have claimed they pay childcare and havent right now. But as i said in my situation im at the mercy of some crazy asss women who was money mad and wanted me to pay surcharges for my son's "extra" needs, i didnt mind but when it hit £70 a day! id had enough and told her where to get off, she is now going to take great pleasure in trying to ruin me. It doesnt pay to be rude to tax credits ether, be as compliant as is possible and make them see your trying your best to do what they ask. Thankfully they are not quite as vicous as housing benefit etc i had a friend investigated once and they had photos and all sorts, you at least get the chance to send in the proof and state your case, but its still an invasion of prviacy when they ask you to provide your personal bank statements (they havent asked me for mine yet and wont get them if they do) Tax credits has been a mess since the start i had a joint claim before i left my husband and they back dated my claim 3 months before it started then said they wanted the money back, i called them and told them it was wrong at the time, they never did get it back i stood my ground. But yes the guilty before innocent statement is very true..... this country promises to care for us working mothers who are trying to get a foot hold on the career ladder i have two disabled children and have worked all my life, i claim a little help with my childcare but soon my children will be grown and i will have worked years and put in thousands to the goverment and be a high earner due to my long career, I should be respected for such not investigated!!!
  7. there must be so many peope in this postion at the moment i personally think the drive is to get back as much money as they can as who keeps the paper work two years later and unless you have a magic wand then how are you supposed to provide it!! ive been EXTREMLY helpfull and nice to them to be honest and given them as much as i can, i fugure if they can see im trying and not being defensive or difficult they may perhaps leave me alone...i think the child care drive thing is the new "lets get the money back" from all the working parents who might have overclaimed...i understand the ones who are blantantly screwing the system but what about those of us who are honest...as for the first comment with the lady with finanaces tied up with the hubby i still use a joint account with my ex because i couldnt get a bank account, so if they saw that id have the same rubish although id have him sign a legal doc signed up by a solicitor to say he no longer lives with me.
  8. Hi Yes i am having child care check to they have asked me for my childcare contracts and any reciepts from 2009 to 2010 I have everything from September 2009 but i sacked my childminder in the september and we fell out as she was trying to charge me through the tits for my son being disabled and putting up her charges by the second. I called the TC and told them of the situation gave them a complete breakdown of the charges and the information for my current provider. I asked TC to ask HER for the information as i wasnt aware i had to keep contracts from two years ago!!! as it was i sw her the day after the letter on sky news talking about how she was a pillar of the comminty and cliaming tc when i know for a fact she was diddling her tax return and not declaring all the money she was getting and she was living with a man for a year and never told them!! Im pretty much at her mercy now if she doesnt cough it up or she lies (which she will) then i'll get the overpayment rubbish and as for my bank statements they can go fly...what i do with my money is not thier concern!! its like being audited and told your a cheat when your not!!
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