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Everything posted by smith79

  1. hi yes they can do that but be careful has they have done that too me and tried to take my house from myself but i went to the fsa direct and complained to them in which they are sortin things who iam myself i am digraced at how kensington are acting towards people ther for you or any one who is having trouble with kensington mortgage weather its arrear possesion etc please email me about this has i am currently trying get get people to come forward as many has possible them we can all make a stand agianst them has kensington was fined in april last year and they still not going by the correct regulations if we all stand toghrther and the more complaints kensington will have to be investigated by the fsa so please email with what details they is and what they have done to you i will help with things your not sure about thanks my email address will be added shortly
  2. hi there every went great in court kensingtons solicitors never showed up at the court the judge was really understanding i handed him my statement and all the documents including the fsa report the judge has stop the eviction and said for kensington to give time while the investigation going on and set out that if kensington tries to go for repossesion them they have to have good grounds to do it i requested that the fees removed and that payments they recived from a third party to clear the arrears that never happened so everything ok i still keeping my guard up has i know what they are like thanks for advice though
  3. im doing my statement tonight to take with me in the morning i have done a budget sheet today got medical records from the docs has well got evidence which i have set out in order to take with me tomorrow i am starting with the statement from myself explaining the situation that i am in and that the mortgage has treated me unfairly in this case got some more paper work from the the mp to take so see how i go
  4. yes that is what there asking for 938 that the mortgage payment plus the amount they want me to pay towards the arrears,i have kept in touch with the fsa and the mp there have been really helpful they recievied a phone call on friday from the cheif executive at kensington notifying them that they are going to pospone the eviction for 4-6 weeks,them i my self have recieved a phone call from them to state they was sending out a field agent to see me to come to some sort of an arragement also they had sent a survayor has well the same day after speaking with the agent it was comfirmed by him that the eviction has been postponed so i asked for it in writing has i know what kensington are like i still dont trust them im still attending the court tomorrow and still putting forward to the judge a payment plan as i know that going through the agent wont stop kensington at all
  5. hi there i just addresed the letter tto the cheif executive at fsa there address is 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS i included the copies off proff i had to show all the charges they will help you all they can they have with me also i went to my local mp with all the information they help by speaking to fsa kensington and the financial ombusman i recievd a call from my mp to let me know that they are going to stop the eiction next due to the evidence i submitted even though they tolld me this on the phone i requested every thing in writing but i will still be attending the court has i do not trust kensington at all hope this helps you and good luck
  6. i have tried to speak with kesington my sef done income expenditure form but not heard nothing as yet i did not know they had got an order for the eviction until the 21st dcember which the letter stated it was issued on the 16th dec2010
  7. the payment should be around 430 but there want ing more so the arrearrs are cleared with in a few years
  8. yes my current momthly income with benefits i recieved is around 1200 my partner who lives with his parents in bradford has offered to help been to local housing open moves they cannot place me any where together with my children they said they can put the children in foster homes i can go to a hostel this is no good has my oldest daughter has alot off problems mentaly due to sexual abuse
  9. the postion at the moment i have been in contact with the company offered to pay 550 including the monthly payment a month which would clear the arrears in 7 years they do recieve 193.21 from the dwp as well every four weeks
  10. the reason for the arrears was back in 2008 when i had trouble with my back i had a slipped disc they was arrears on the account totalling 2000 i was in court then and the possesion order was suspend due to me making an extra £50 off the arrears leaving me to pay 611.26 amonth this was manageable at the time my father did write a cheque out for 1200 in april 08 to clear most of the arrers in which we took it to kensington in person they did not add this to clear the arrears but did add it to credit my mortgage account then in 2009 was ill again and could not make the payments i contacted kensigton but they would not help went to local mp ann cryer who did help me to reduce the payments so i se the diredt debit up but when it came too it been taken out they tried to take £1000 instead i am currently occuring £50 arrears fee every month plus solicitors fees added on to it they now asking for payment of 938 amonth as the payment my fixed rate ended in septenber 2010 and was told payment would go down to around 430 a month
  11. i am working part time has i have alot of problems with my back i work as a cleaner doing around 4 hours aweek i do recive income support
  12. i currently have a mortgage with kensington mortgages they have applied for an eviction which was granted by the courts for me to leave the property on the 20th jan 2011 at 12pm i currently an arrears of £15,245 in which in total all the fess added up to £6000 i am single parent with four children and struggling to get anywhere to stay near where i live i have filled in a n244 form and sent it to the courts they have told me that the court hearing will be on tuesday 18th jan 2011 to try stop this has the reason for the arrears are due to me been ill in 2008/09 also added fees to account for when they said they would allow me too have a payment break for 6 months
  13. the eviction date is 20th january 2011 next thrusday at 12pm
  14. hi i currently have mortgage with kensington and i am in simalr situation to yurself i had a letter stating aapplying for repossesion and now i got the eviction date through for this month i fell into arrears due to me been ill they have applied over £6000 in fees from the dya i took my mortgage i have tried every to stop this so far nothing i put an n244 forn in to the courts to allow more time for me to find somewhere for myself and four children to live i am currently in middle of claimimg for a missold mortgage with the lender. i also noticed they have been fined in 12 april 2010 for unfair fee and treatnig customers in arrears unfair i have written to the fsa myself put in a complaint about the company just waiting t o see if they can help
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