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Everything posted by mazzy72

  1. well well... .seem to have opened up something here. ...firstly he WAS NOT executing any kind of warrant as there isnt one since i deal direct with the council over my arrears after making their ears bleed with my constant barrage of letters and e-mails about rossendales being completly OTT and trying all sorts of imaginary tactics to get my money.. ..this meat head was not having any of it demanding i pay them 100 quid a week compared to the £25 a week payment plan i have with the council. he said that would not be recommended by the council (i had just told him i have the plan with them!!!and been paying it for months!) and that he would be passing back the paper work to them but, in the meantime sending me payment slips! it was like talking to...well a meathead tbh.. ..o then he said it was for last year...um....im a full time carer to a terminally ill hubby and 2 disabled kids and get council tax benefit since april 2011 so last year...i think not! and before that i had an attatchment order to my salary when i was working.. ..so what the absolute hell he was talking about i dont know. he said he was filming me ...no ifs or buts like he had the gods given right to. ..sorry but as an old and retired activist i do not agree to it. ..police, yes and for good reason. ..but an 18 stone bully (and believe me when i say these guys do not bother me one bit...iv sent more away back to their vans in tears). ..no way. ..i have already e-mailed and sent 2 letters in duplicate to the council. ...to me it is wrong ...they can edit it.. ..they can photoshop my face onto some cheap porn pics for their own interest (probably all they can get anyway)... .this will not be dropped and i am bit of a nuisance like that. ..ask s.p.m.l... ..they hate me... .hahahaha. ..thanks for this and im with BR on this one and i cannot find anything relating to this at all.. ..so to me its just another stunt in this area of legalized thuggery. must get back to yet another letter pointing out a few home truths. ..no warrant, no reason to be there, no clarification, blah blah.....
  2. whats this that the baliffs of that fine org (sniggers). ..are now recording door step interviews with video cameras? had one this morning, despite the fact i had to point out to him that i now have a payment plan direct with the council (he was having none of it) which is paid every thursday at 7 am (the wake up coffee and smoke before i wake the kids) along with my other bills... ..he switched on this gizmo and said he was filming me.....there it was...me! just before i go off on one with them again... ..is this legal as i personally find it an infringement.. ...im just glad he got a screenful of what my t-shirt said
  3. well mine is a long one but ill cut it short as i can. i was paying ct arrears via attatchment order on my wages until i was made redundant in sept 09. i was receiving help from the council (preston city council) over housing issues as my mortgage comapny were not playing nicely (spml....go figure!), they were fully aware of my situation over council tax arrears etc and said they would help. in 09, 10, and this yr i requested ct benefit forms as im on income support yet in the meantime iv had to deal with rossendales. a baliff came last year i explained everything to him at my doorstep (i aint that daft) and he actually said it would have to be passed back to the council due to my circumstances and i would be contacted.. .however to be sure i sent a letter to the council outlining this and never heard from them. in the meantime iv had 2 occassions with them being threatening and very snotty and complaints are never responded to. on the 18 july a baliff was sat in car outside my home and issued me with an arrest warrant with bail and told to appear in court on 3/8/11. however in that time i have been in and out of hospital as i cleverly nearly severed my thumb, i completely forgot about this and when i did remember i could not find the paper anywhere, i can only assume it succumbed to my families tidying up when i was in for surgery! all i can remember that it was on rossendale paper no court papers were ever seen. i emailed the council as soon as i realised all this and this morning received an e-mail saying a warrant WITHOUT bail has been issued by the court as i didnt appear. i have outlined my circumstances and i will outline them here and i have replied to the council outlining them also... .my arrears with added charges from the last 2 years apparently stand at a staggering £5100+, yet 2 years and 5 months of council tax has to be taken off this amount has to be taken off as yet (totalling nearly 2500), yet the council claim they have no record of letters or requests for forms from me.. i am in receipt of carers allowance and income support and dla. my husband has chronic migraine which causes him to blackout and have 2 children with autism, one very severely so... .so as you can imagine its hard for me to get out of the house as i cant risk leaving my husband in charge of the 2 youngest (aged 3 and 11 months) and deal with the 2 aunties on his own. now there is this warrant without bail!! this is the last of my debts to be sorted and i have told the council this, but they cliam they have no record. however in rossendales defence one baliff who came once he heard about my situation he did say that he could not actually deal with us and would have to pass everything back to the council as we were classed as 'vunerable, also rossendales NEVER levied upon any goods, though one guy did make up an inventory! but this was dealt with straightaway.... .any ideas..... also pcc are claiming they have no responsibility over the baliffs action. any help appreciated
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