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Everything posted by drivingmuppets

  1. The zigzags are also there to help delivery drivers etc enter and exit the grounds. It really never ceases to amaze me when you look around the internet at various forums, you will always find people who have speeding or parking tickets asking if there is a way out of paying - and there will always be a small clique of supporters. My personal opinon is - drive within the law, drive courteously and everyone is happy. As soon as people start driving like idiots, it has a knock on effect. I see idiot drivers almost on a daily basis, because of this I have installed a camera in my car and my works vehicle. My car camera has already more than paid for itself as I was able to use the footage to prove non fault when some idiot cut in front of me & trashed his car. Without the camera it was my word against his, 50/50 and I would have had to pay my excess as well as a huge increase in premiums - the no claim discount is protected but the premiums go sky high. I put all the minutae on youtube to name and shame the idiots. Most of the examples aren't end of the world stuff but as more and more drivers get away with more and more, the roads will descend into chaos. If I can drive courteously and within the law - I see no reason why others cannot do the same.
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