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Posts posted by renton608

  1. hi im after a bit of advice and im hoping someone can help.


    we visited a shop to look at a product . we specifically wanted x product in a right angle shape, shop said they could supply us with a right angle as we wanted but needed to check, so the manager came back with a headed compliments slip with all dimensions of said product.


    we used these dimesnions to go and make sure the product would fit in the area we wanted it to go.


    using these sizes we realised the product would fit.


    so we went back down the shop about an hour later to place order.


    however none of the sizes were transferred to the order form just the piece we wanted to order.


    however the headed compliments slip was stapled to our copy of the order so we still have it.


    fast forwrd to saturday and product turns up with incorrect shaped piece and will not fit in the area.


    we informed shop and they are saying tough, you ordered this piece , you got it. however its not the bit we were led to believed would be ordered.


    my question is, if this goes to court can the compliments slip be used to fight our case as the manger of the shop just told me it would be laughed out of court??


    please help

  2. i have just had a heated phone conversation with the sales man who was quite rude to us when we went into to complain about the sofa being wrong.


    he is now saying that he is in overall charge of the company and that the person we had liusted as the md is not.


    why couldnt he of said that at the time instead of saying he would have to get in touch with the so called md??


    he is also saying that the headed compliments slip will get laughed out of court and that i have signed a legal binding contract (the order form ) which says we wanted to order 1x corner unit and that is what he has delivered.


    how do you think this would stand up in court?? i have a headed compliments slip with the dimensions of the sofa we were led to believe the company were going to order for us, its in the same handwriting as the actual order as it was done by the same person(the shop manger)and it was ordered from them in good faith and trust that they could supply what we wanted. they havent.


    they have then failed to supply us the correct sofa and are now back tracking.


    also he has literally got off the phone to us now at 19.30 at night?? isnt that a bit strange?


    he also had his phone on loudspeaker and had 3 other people in his office to listen to the conversation, trying to get me all tied up, surely this is entrapment??

  3. Hi Kiwee, thanks for the reply.


    we have already sent them a letter under the sales of goods act ststaing the goods are as described and the are not fit for the purpose made known to therm. i beleive they have 14 days to respond to this.however this letter was just addressed to "the manager" as i didn't know his name at the time.


    we have also sent our credit card company a letter under section 75 of the consumer credit act holding them jointly liable.


    would it be worth sending the letter as you describe it above or wait until the 14 days has elapsed.


    it has spoilt Christmas as we have nowhere to sit and the sofa is taking up most of the front room so we cant put the decorations up for the kids.


    I have done some more digging on "the sofa specialist " , they dont even exist as a legal company, however a PRIVATE company, same location, same telephone number, and the name of ELS has been set up for the same address as "the sofa specialist"


    isnt that illegal in itself





  4. I think the problem is that when we went in originally we had just come from dfs where we had seen a nice right angle corner suite we liked but thought we would have a look at this other place.


    At the time we spoke to the manager and a sales person and told them what we had seen in dfs and did they have anything the same they could show us.


    the manager then said they had something but didint have the exact suite in the showroom but had the chaise lounge version in the showroom.


    he showed us this suite and we asked him if they could definitely get this same in a right angle corner and he said "yes,but let me go and check" he then came back with a headed compliments slip with the name of the sofa and all the dimensions and sizes of the bits we needed to order, he told us to take this and go and measure up to make sure it would fit, we did that and returned to the shop within the hour to place the order.


    everything from the compliments slip was transferred to the order except the sizes, so where it said on the slip...... 1 x corner unit @ 1metre square, the order just said 1 x corner unit.


    The compliments slip was stapled to our copy of the order form though and its in the same handwriting as the order as the manager wrote them both out.


    so yes they have delivered a corner unit ,just not the one they said it would be in the frost place and this new one doesn't fit in our front room as its 1.6metres by 1.6 meters and arc shaped so there is a massive gap behind it which defeats the point of having a corner sofa.


    i explained this to the chap running the shop in the managers absence and he just said , "you ordered a corner unit and you got a corner unit end of"!!!! he also said we wont collect it and you are not getting a refund.


    how do you think this would stand up in court then??


    anyway thanks for your help !!



  5. I wonder if anyone can help , im having problems with another sofa company in that they have sent us the wrong corner unit for the sofa we ordered.


    We paid the deposit by credit card and on top of the credit card slip it says "ELS" would this company be part of the company in question on this thread??


    if so can anyone help with the problem im having and have a look at my other thread about the wrong sofa!!


    thanks very much



  6. spoke to consumer direct and they have advised me to write 2 letters,


    one to the company basically about the sales of goods act and that the item is not as described and that i want a full refund.


    the other to my credit card company about section 75 of the consumer credit thing holding them jointly liable.


    both letters going into the post recorded tomorrow!!


    fingers crossed


    the diagram is only on my order form as i think it was drawn on about an hour after placing the order for my piece of mind as i was going away for 4 months and the wife would be looking after it.


    dimensions are on a compliments slip which is what they (sales chap and store manager) gave us and said they can order and to go and measure up with, this slip is attached to the order form.


    when i went in today i told the chap running the shop whilst the manager is away that we came in and asked if they could do a corner sofa with a proper right angle corner piece as we wanted it to go tight into the corner of a room.


    they said yes and the manager went away and came back with the dimensions on a compliment slip of all the bits we wanted.


    the corner piece is marked up as being one metre square which was ideal.


    we took this slip away to measure our room and when we had decided the sofa would be ideal with the corner bit they said they could supply, so we went back into the shop and placed the order. the compliments slip is stapled to our order.


    the chap in the shop at the moment is saying that as the order just states 1 x corner and they have delivered a corner then they have stuck to thier side of the contract. even if it is the wrong corner piece.


    i think they have delivered what "they" ordered which isnt what "we" placed an order for and as it doesnt give and sizes on the actual order form they are hoping to get away with it!!

  7. Hi all im after some advice...


    in june we visited a local sofa company who had a nice leather corner sofa we wanted to look at.


    they told us they could do the corner piece in a proper right angle and not a rounded corner unit.


    so we placed the order and waited......


    fast forward to saturday and the sofa arrives and it has the wrong corner piece with it.


    so i go into the shop straight after it was delivered and told them im not happy.


    they told me there was nothing they could do on that day and come back monday.


    so i went back to day and showed them the drawing the salesman did for us (which is also on the invoice) and told them again im not happy, the invoice also had measurement on which showed the right angle corner bit to be a metre square, the bit that turned op is 2 metres wide and just wont fit in our front room.


    the sales man told us he would get back to us later today, which he did to tell us that they never promised us that and they cant get one??


    we paid the deposit by credit card and the rest by cash for the sofa, what are my rights as an unhappy customer??


    i managed to find the sofa on a website which had the correct corner piece but this other company no longer sells that sofa??



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