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Everything posted by FredF

  1. Oops.... Didn't have enough posts to post the file. Here it is:
  2. Hi all, I just wanted to post up the reply I received yesterday from Mercers. They appear to want to ignore my offer of payment and 'send the boys round'. I'm sort of unsure what to do as regards a reply, and I'm a bit concerned that the two £1 postal orders are probably going towards Mercers' office biscuit fund. Can anyone suggest how I might carry on with this? I'm also wondering if now I should issue a CCA request to Barclays to refund my PPI and keep it separate from my dealings with Mercers?
  3. Oh I'm not discussing anything with them HH, it's just that when I said I'm only going to correspond in writing, she said 'we're not going to keep writing to you'. I just asked them why they were so reluctant to provide a paper trail after that. She didn't have an answer so I told her, when she did - to put it in writing and then I hung up.
  4. Well I've just had a call from Barclaycard/Mercers. They appear to be reluctant to write to me. In fact the woman I spoke to said they won't keep writing me letters, they've only written once so far.
  5. I'll be interested to see how you get on with that.
  6. Thanks PGH, sorry I haven't replied sooner but I had my birthday last week and spent a couple of days with my friend. I've sent the above letter to MErcers and I think I'll SAR to Barclaycard to see if I can start to recover the PPI payments. Is that the best course of action?
  7. Not really, I was paying between £6 and £10 a month over the 3 years depending on the balance at the time. At most I think it'll be about £300 but I owe £1500
  8. I didn't get anything in writing at the time and actually cancelled the PPI payments when they told me on the phone - this was about 5 months ago when I knew I was going to run into problems. Should I write and request an explanation and take it from there?
  9. Well, that's the next step, as I was paying PPI on this card ever since I had it from 2007. Because I switched jobs beginning of last year and had a three week gap between ending one and starting the other (only because the firm was moving to new premises and said it was pointless to start), Barclaycard point blank refused to consider a claim as I hadn't been employed for 6 continuous months.
  10. That's what I would of thought. However I may be being picky about the wording in their letter - but they never acknowledged that bit. Maybe they can deny receiving it.
  11. Thanks for your reply Vic, I'll send them this letter and see what happens. I did note that although they've refused my offer, they didn't return the postal order I sent them. I've saved a copy of that OFT pdf for reference.
  12. Hi all I'm hoping someone could glance an eye over the letter I'm about to send to Mercers in response to my 'CAB approved' offer of £1 payment made just after Christmas. My Barclaycard owed amount is about £1500 and I'm now nearly 4 months since my last proper payment. I survive on JSA alone and have been to my CAB to work out a budget for Barclaycard and my Santander credit card and currant account overdraft. I'm going to keep Santander to a separate thread when the need arrises and just deal with Barclaycard here as it's the most 'advanced' of my debts. Anyway, this morning Mercers sent me this: In response I've cobbled together this reply from the library: Is this a suitable reply in this instance? Thanks Fred
  13. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this se0303, I wonder if this is what I've got to come as aside from my santander credit card I also have a £1400 overdraft that I have no hope of clearing now that my only income is JSA. Surely if you're still receiving this amount of harassment after all you letters, the police is the only option?
  14. I'm going to look at getting a Truecall DS, but finances won't allow it at the moment.
  15. That's a ridiculous amount of calls se0303. I'd definitely report them to the police. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with that level of harassment.
  16. Thanks Halibutt, I know full well why they're reluctant to write for the reasons you say. As dad said, if they only want to converse by phone, they need to explain why - in writing.
  17. BTW dad, I intend to report them. And once I hear back from Barclaycard I imagine that I'll have the same issues with Moorcroft so it'll be good practise.
  18. Thanks dad, jason, rebel. That was the thread I'd seen. I've bookmarked it. I'll amend my letter to use the CPFUT paragraph rather than the admin of Justice one. I've told them each time they ring that I'm more than happy to communicate in writing even though sending all these recorded delivery letters will cost me a fortune. I'll be interested to see what you'd written Jason if I may? Thanks again all, it's so very much appreciated.
  19. Hi all I've come to the point where I need to send a telephone harassment letter to Santander regarding my overdue credit card. I've asked them now on 4 separate occasions that I will only correspond in writing and not to phone me. They normally leave it a day, then the calls start again. I'd written to them before Christmas explaining that my local CAB are helping me sort out my finances and that since being made unemployed I'm having trouble with my debts and that I'd write again when I have worked out a financial statement and make them an offer of payment. I owe Santander £1400 on the credit card and am behind in my payments by two months, I owe £1400 on my current account overdraft which has now been 'suspended' (I have my benefits payed into a Natwest step account now) and I also owe Barclaycard £1200 which has been 4 months without payment (though I've started paying them £1 per month - I've yet to hear as to whether they've accepted it, however I don't get any calls from Moorcroft about it at the moment). Anyway, I've not received any reply from Santander to my pre Christmas letter, yet they continue to call 4 or 5 times a day. I tell them I've written to them and I want no more calls - stops for a day or two, then restarts. So I really think I now need to send the harassment letter but I read in another thread somewhere that the template in the library may no longer be accurate. Is this true? I didn't save the thread so am not %100 sure if I understood what I was reading properly. Can someone maybe advise whether it's okay to send that letter as is or maybe whether I need to change it for my particular circumstances. I'm sorry for rambling, my head goes a bit fuzzy when I'm thinking about all these problems. Fred
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