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Everything posted by adam_90

  1. Slightly good news for me though I wrote a 2 page letter to their complaint department showing my anger and told them about the problems I had (did make it sound even worse). I got a phone call from them the other day offering me £75 compensation, so not too bad I still won’t buy from Acer again though
  2. Ive had many problems with acer, ive sent it to them 3 times in a month as they kept sending it back with the problem still exisitng! first time they sent it to the wrong house number on my street, then i moved out of my parents house to a different county, the second time they sent it to the new address and the third time they sent it to the originally wrong address even though i told them my new address and then refused to get it sent to the right address. The final time i got it back the esc key had broken off. I had had enough by this point and got it fixed by a professional. My conclusions is that they are CRAP!!!
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