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Everything posted by Notmo

  1. Not much at all. I was going to scrap it, as it is not going to pass an MOT without a lot of work. Maybe £200 in parts?
  2. Chirs, Many thanks, I just wrote the letter and will post it to them first thing. Do you think I have a case? What are my next steps? Robin
  3. OK, I'll send them an email stating what you put above, although I can't afford to pay that much money, even in a month. Which police email do I send it to though? I rang the police within ten minutes of it being stolen. Whilst I was reporting it, the woman on the phone said that they had possibly found the vehicle and police officers would be round soon. They came round a took a statement etc. then said they would take it for forensics. They said they could not just give it back to me as they could not prove it wa smine, despite me having all of the VIN numbers, alot of identifying features (i.e. damage already occuring, parts missing etc) I got a letter the week after from the recovery firm. It gives the location that the bike was found (literally at the end of my road). Robin
  4. I'm another person who is being charged for recovery of a stolen bike less than 1/4 mile from my house. I really don't know what to do, the charges are currently £270, and my insurance excess is £250. I have absolutely no idea what to do. I have no money and the bike is not worth that much money. Please help? Robin
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