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  1. Here's the extract from the PFK website; 4. What if I don.t want to continue my training - how do I get my money back? Clearly, any BPF Student can choose not to continue their training at any time. However, how you paid for you course fees will ultimately determine your right to recover monies previously paid. Given the number of BPF Students that were in active training with Advent prior to its demise, we are not able to provide specific advice on individual circumstances. BPF Students seeking to recover monies previously paid and/or to discuss any outstanding finance balances should contact Barclays Partner Finance on 0844 811 9000 or alternatively contact the Customer Relations Department, the address of which can be found on the back of your welcome letter sent to you by Barclays Partner Finance upon commencement of your loan. 5. Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (.CCA.) We understand that certain BPF Students may be entitled to make claims under the terms of the CCA. As indicated previously, we are not in a position to provide any advice on individual circumstances. We suggest that any BPF Student who suspects he/she has rights under the CCA should seek the advice of a lawyer, the Citizens Advice Bureau or some other similar body or organisation. Any BPF Student who intends to make a claim under the CCA should contact Barclays Partner Finance and not Advent, the Administrators or Computeach. They seem to be under the impression that we have a right to choose
  2. First time posting after along time reading Thanks fizzbutt! Whats worrying me is that we have no control over what is happening. Its as if Barclays have said we have to go with incomputeach or loose our money. The agents assigned to divide up the assets of sadvent have said that anyone not wanting to continue their studies has a right to choose what happens, but we seem to be denied this chance. I work in I.T, and after meeting up with some old friends, one of whom is MCSE certified, he got me into the company he works for which more stable that ones I have worked for in the past. ( this was 4 months before sadvent went under, the day before my birthday) Asking around and applying for jobs within the company i work for, with regards to my MCSE qualification ( that i was hoping to gain). I am always given the same answer. IF you did have an MCSE you would be considered for the job, but is is always going to go someone without the qualification who has worked closer to the project / team than you. Nothing can compete with experience. Which after now working in the I.T industry for about 2-3 in various roles I still do not have. So being told by the sales man that they could get me into a role as soon as I had my MCSE is mis-selling, can't really see how that would'nt stand. But due to all the to-ing and fro-ing, I just want to forget about this and put it behind me. By going back to a normal way fo learning i,e college..... A college will not go bust, will teach us relavent and up to date information and will be far more convienent for everyone effected as there is a college close to everyone. Why have we never been given this option? It does not make any sense. Unless of course Scarcleys are not honouring section 75, and mearly cutting cost's, at our expense.
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