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Everything posted by alashwood

  1. Here's a few tips which may help. They have no right of entry. Even if it's tipping down, keep them on the outside, and step out if necessary. Some collectors are civil, some aren't, so if he's polite and reasonable, be friendly but firm. Explain that there's nothing on the premises for him to collect and ask him to leave - calmly. If he tries to get you to talk to your creditor on his mobile, decline, saying you're dealing with them by letter. If you speak to the creditor, you could get drawn into a conversation you don't want, and it may stress you even more. If he's in any way abusive or threatening, ask for his card - and keep it. Check his name's on it. Then tell him (don't ask) to leave. Very often, these collectors carry fake look alike court badges and ID. Make sure you study any ID carefully before you get drawn into any sort of dialogue. Actually, you don't have to speak to him at all if you don't want to. Remember - these people are freelancers contracted to a credit collection agency, who in turn are contracted to your creditor. Don't be threatened - don't be frightened - don't be panicked. Stand your ground - Ask him to leave - close the door - CALMLY AND POLITELY. Don't lower yourself to their level.
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