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Everything posted by arty67

  1. thanks everbody for your help i will let you know how i get on
  2. Yes i have been foolish over payday loans and have since entered into a DMP with debt fixers who i must say have been good. Anyway to my plight in June this year i was unable to settle all payday loans demand outstripped supply all companies have played ball except this one i cancelled my card so they couldn't take any money and informed them of the DMP whilst making some enquiries to a longer term financial solution i entered my new c.c details on a broker site unbeknown to me they were affiliated to CFO CFO then used the new card details to take £700 from my account it does say on their T&C's they have to give reasonable notice of intention I have contacted them on 4 separate occasions only to be passed around then to someone in their collections dept. who could only say you will never get your money back that’s 100% guaranteed. My bank will not raise a dispute as this is with another financial organisation I understand from my bank they have requested payment and the money is held in that black hole they call a holding account until such time CFO calls for payment CFO will not back down over this I have sent an email and also spoke to the ombudsman and office of fair trading and Essex trading standards can anybody suggest any thing i can do to recover my money the sooner the better many thanks:-x
  3. Don't hand over any bank account or card details as they will keep trying to take small amounts from your account until such time they hit on your payday then take the lot regardless. If you cant get them to accept a payment plan yourself use a company that will deal with them on your behalf enter into a debt managment plan then cancal any cards that you feel they have details of and be very whary when appling on line again because if you use one of their affilate companies or a broker linked to them they will use that infomation to take money from you
  4. Hi I have a toshiba laptop running on windows 7 I have had a virus whitch I managed to remove via back up & restore but it has reared its ugly head agian and converted all my programs to run on windows media every time i try to open up anything backup restore any desktop items all go through to media player and the error message comes up media cannot open or play file any ideas or procedures to sort this out would be most helpful.
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