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Everything posted by Goldy001

  1. Just had a look on google street view, 77oxford street, cant quite see what the sign says as theres a bus in the way! As for 3 greek street, looks back street!! And its next to what looks like a pub/resturant? Called the - GAY HUSSAR!!!!!!
  2. Revolving doors at Gallant Macmillan Received a letter from ACS LAW? And this, seems there's only two of them in there office?! All those LOD's, gonna take some time to get through
  3. I think that most wouldn't pay, if the file isn't on your computer and you have no knowledge of the download then why should you pay! Trouble is how hard are they going to try, how may letters are you going to get? No one needs the stress caused by this, its just so wrong!!! I think maybe hang on, i think the SRA are investigating..
  4. Gallant's response Simon Gallant, senior partner with the law firm, said his firm was behaving in accordance with the SRA’s rules and regulations and the Solicitors’ Code of Conduct. 'I was in communication with the SRA before the firm began to act on behalf of the MoS as I was concerned to address any issues that might arise', he told Which?. 'The SRA have given us some general guidance on the applicable conduct rules which we have focused on in preparing to do this work, including the content of letters that we send out and how we deal with responses. 'I'm well aware that this work has attracted negative publicity for other law firms but the firm has come into this after carrying out a lot of due diligence and is adopting a very different approach to the other firms,' he explained. 'The purpose is not to penalise the innocent and we will scrutinize every response with care. If individuals send in letters of denial to us, with reasons why they are not responsible, the firm will consider each letter on its merits and advise the MoS accordingly.' He said the MoS was willing to proceed to the civil courts if the alleged illegal file sharer does not settle or they do not provide suitable evidence to show why they dispute liability. Just found this...Interesting, I think Ministry of Sound sales may suffer somewhat after all this??
  5. So how long could something like this go on for? Months, Years? People that have sent LOD's have had 2nd even 3rd letters back from gallant, how far will it go?
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