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krayzie eagle

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  1. hi guys ii have been going through y'all comments,,,,I'm going through the same situation like you guys for the last three months they been stressing me out so much I'm mentally getting tired of this. they been calling me with different numbers...when they called for first time i told them straight that I'm not going to pay for nothing and then they kept calling me n telling me to pay all that crap since then ain't pick up there calls and feels me like I'm wasting my time talking with em and now recently they been calling from different numbers...so gay lol plus i received couple of red notice saying that if you don't pay the arrears we will claim the all money that we payed to the advent i mean how the heck they can do that? guys I' gonna step in to the citizen bureau today I will let you guys know whatever I get from em. Hopefully we will win the case..........keep in touch guys;)
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