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Posts posted by Nao

  1. Those ever increasing numbers are part of their scare you into paying mindgames,

    quote from one of their usual emails,

    If there are insufficient funds in the account the payment might fail and all charges will IMMEDIATELY become due, ALL back dated interest, penalty fees will be charged.

    Recovery Agents will be sent to all addresses we have on file for you in order to obtain payment. Should this also prove unsuccessful we will be liaising with solicitors who will obtain a County Court Judgement against you. Once this is secured we will return with a Warrant of Execution from the County Court and certified Court Bailiffs to seize goods at 9 times the value of what you owe.


    It's just their usual way to pressure people into paying quicker by saying the amount will go up even further.


    But no matter what they threaten with, keep offering them what you really owe them (original loan amount + one month interest - any payments made) until they eventually accept.


    In case the doorstep collector turns up again, do not let him in under any circumstances, unless its all been through Court and found in their favour then it won't be a real Bailiff.

  2. I can unfortunately predict their reply:


    Tough luck, now pay the rest of the fantasy charges.


    I wish you the best of luck in bringing them down, Cash Genie are not just bottom of the barrel, they are the slime on the underside of the barrel, just a word of advice, be very careful with Cash Genie as they have zero hesitation calling the Company where you work and they will attempt to obtain Bank details that way, so it may be a good idea to warn the HR department.

  3. The next step other than staying up all night hitting the refresh button on the old Account to safe your Salary from those Goons is to set up a Letter to Toothfairy, essentially make them a offer to pay the Amount originally agreed on and not a penny more, do not agree to pay by Card / Direct Debit but rather demand they provide you with their Account details so you can make the payment and demand that they only communicate with you in writing, also set them a deadline and don't forget to mention that you did already contact OFT and Press.

    Also make sure to send it recorded.


    Then unfortunately you won't be able to do much more other than wait for them to agree to it, just send a copy of the previous letter again once each month, all you need to change is the date and maybe add a line mentioning their failure to react to your previous letters.

    From my experience they are very creative if it comes to making up fantasy charges, make sure you collect the senseless drivel they send you by post / email, no matter how repetitive it is, then forward all of it to the OFT. On top of that if you feel like it, start making a Diary about the Phone calls from them and report them for harassment.

  4. Wonga can and will trash your Credit Record.


    In regards to Credit Records Payday Loan Companies are like Utility Companies, they all check your Credit history, they all report it if you don't pay on time, but they never report if you pay something on time.


    They do that on purpose as a incomplete Credit History prevents you from shopping around for better deals as no one will lend to you without a Credt History, but the Company you already are a Customer of does have the full data so unlike any other lender they know how much or little of a risk you are.

  5. As has already been mentioned, cancel Bank Account and Debit Card immediately and get new ones, just to be on the really safe side, make sure its a different Bank as well and do not provide the details to anyone except your Employer. Do not allow the Banks to perform any of their Account switching services, insist on setting up new Direct Debits with Utility Companies and such on your own.


    Toothfairy is very hard to deal with and among the very bottom of the barrel of the Payday loan Industry, I've had a fight with them that lasted over a Year, eventually they gave up and accepted a "normal" sum instead of their fantasy amount, do not worry about them passing on the debt, they won't, the Debt Collection Company NDR and the Bailiffs MHB they will use to threaten you with are in fact the same Company, it doesn't matter which one of them you Contact, if they bother to reply at all they sometimes even reply from the "wrong" Company:razz:

    Don't worry too much though, Toothfairy will not take you to Court, because that would mean they would have to stop adding new fantasy charges to the debt, so just don't pay them a Penny until they agree to a reasonable payment plan.

  6. Get that email to the OFT and Trading Standards, chargin £350 for referring a £300 loan to the NDR mob is a complete travesty, and no they are not allowed to charge interest in the way they claim. Everything about that email is wrong.


    What is most interesting about it is that Toothfairy will still hit your Debit Card for monthes after they moved the debt to NDR and even after NDR supposedly moved it to the Bailiffs MHB, which proves that the Debt was never moved in the first place but that rather all 3 Companies (TTF, NDR and MHB) are in fact the same Company.


    For me they turned 300£ into more than 2000£ with their Fantasy fees, monthes later while MHB (the supposed Bailiffs the supposed Debt Recovery Company NDR sent after me) where threatening daily to visit me Toothfairy was still trying to clear out my Bank Account, so I've had to open a new Bank Account to be able to survive.

  7. Well, looking at the cca I've spotted this:


    Right To Canvass Off Trade Premises:



    You might be able to get them based on that, but having more experience than I'd like to with that kind of companies they would not care about such details.


    You could also try to get them to cancel the agreement and let you give the money back based on their APR calculation, they claim a APR of 922% - 1877% in their table titled costs & fees, however they are more expensive than other paydayloan companies that advertise a apr of more than 2000%, so you could try telling them to accept their money back with no charges and if not threaten them with taking action against them for misleading advertising.

  8. Did Wonga hire a Comedian to write their repsonse?


    Wonga offered cash advances online and therefore customers must have the mental ability to transact online to obtain a loan from them. They believed people who are able to do so were not usually vulnerable.


    So according to Wonga the ability to use a computer and visit a website can be used to judge if someone is in a financial mess or not?


    They also only approved consumers who were employed


    Wrong, they don't verify employment.


    and meaningful credit histories


    So plenty of defaults is a meaningful credit history now?

  9. its baseless threats


    Exactly that and for a very simple reason, if they want to take you to court / get the police involved they would have say you owe them amount x due to agreement so and so. However if they don't get the courts / police involved they can keep inventing fees which will very quickly be higher than the amount originally owed.

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