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Everything posted by amlott75

  1. We received a letter yesterday from ACS:Law about a copyright infringement for Guru Josh - Infinity, their client is DigiProtect. Reading all of the posts on here it would seem that most people have always received a 1st letter which gives more details, IP address, date of offence etc but we have only received the 2nd letter, stating about their previous letter and noting we havent responded. We really dont know what to do, should we reply or not ? The letter states we have 14 days to respond. I would like to know how they got this information in the first place. If they obtain the information from our internet provider surely they would need a court order or something to obtain personal details. I did call our provider and they said had they received any letter from a solicitor they would have a legal obligation to provide the information but dont keep records of these so called letters. It worries me greatly that they would just hand out the information to someone claiming to be from a legit legal practice. Any advice would be greatly received.
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