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prima 1

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  1. Hello Dolly Mixture22, Our experinace with FSF is totally different than some others on this thread. They certainly do not do it for free, we have previously posted what we were chargd 8% of the debt, 25% of what they save or write off 15% of an payments theymake for you, ultimately in our experiance we owed circa 5000pounds and became debt free in around 19 months at a cost of around 1900 pounds (if i recall correctly). Yes we got creditor mither and some threats which turned out to be just that, which was a little scary to deal with Whilst some may have had difficulties if you read the posts it appears they have not listend to what FSF offer or have forgot or have decided to pay the creditors. Could we have done it on our own, probably not, with respect to those that say it can be done it would have been very daunting and stressful. You have to think hard and ensure this or any Debt plan will work for you whether cccs or FSF both are different ( i think). Any way as stated earlier this year we reffered 3 friends to FSF, we are due to meet next week so will come back to advise on how they see the FSF experiance. prima PS had re register not sure why.
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