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Everything posted by GillyL25

  1. Thanks DD We are in the process of getting a Trust Deed so things should start to get better for us very soon!! I'm just so gutted that FSF rang me up and told me a lot of BS and I believed it - more fool me really I'm glad I found this site when I did - we'd already told FSF that we wanted out but these posts just confirmed why and that we weren't alone!! So, I've just sent a cheeky reply to the Compliance Manager (cheeky as in the same tone she wrote to me in - how rude???!!!!!) I will let you know what response I get.
  2. Hiya, I'm new here but for the past 2 nights I've been reading all these posts about FSF. We are trying to get rid of FSF at the moment and re claim our money and so far all they have done is put barriers in our way. However, twice today I've had cheeky emails from a so-called Compliance Manager at FSF who has tried to imply that I have lied etc etc. I have asked for a breakdown of our account to see exactly what we are being ripped off for and she said I will be sent it but I am doubtful! Anyone reading this and considering taking FSF up on their offer PLEASE THINK AGAIN!!!!!! They are not a DMP - they just want to take your money and ignore you. We've been with them over 6mths and have not had hardly any correspondance with anyone there - now on this forum I find out that they have been charging me for every time I rang to find out what's going on - deep joy! I'm fed up and disgusted that this sham comapny can get away with it. I also have to say that i'm a bit confused with some of the posts on here - one particular person starts off by saying that her friend has had a good experience with FSF but as the posts go on it changes to her having a good experience - do you work for FSF as I can't understand why anyone would think that these extortionate charges and rubbish customer service for people who are already drowning in debt are acceptable!!!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone has actually managed to get their money back please pm me and let me know how as this company are out to rip EVERYONE off. Hope to hear some good news soon of people getting away from FSF and sorting their finances out!!
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