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Everything posted by DollyMixture22

  1. Hiya, just so im sure of my rights if P2C turn up today. Can I ask them to leave? Can I ignore their questions? Can I tell them i'll phone the police? Im worried that they might say I can call the police as the law is on their side and start spouting laws to me? I dont want to cause a scene if I can help it as it'd quite embarrassing in front of the neighbours!! Also I have 2 small children and I dont want some joker knocking on my door upsetting them. Thankyou.
  2. Hiya, I have a problem with MBNA selling my debt onto Experto Credite. I was confused at first by it all and started letting Experto take some money off my card each month. I have stopped this now as I dont agree with the amount of the debt. What action do I need to take now? Im worried that by starting to pay it im agreeing with the debt. Would really appreciate some advise. Thanku
  3. I think the "First Step" im going to take is to phone my creditors and record the conversations and tell them to only communicate in writing from now on, and to prove that I owe this debt - although Im not quite sure how to word it. Is there something I need like a creditor agreement which Ive signed to say the money is owed? If so I know there wont be anything. I wont be getting involved with FSF, i dont need the added stress ive already got! Im going to learn from other peoples experience!
  4. Thanku DD its amazing how much messages and information like this boosts ur confidence. Im sure with help from this site I can sort these out on my own. Im sure debt management companies are good for some people but I cant afford to pay them although they may save me money Im paying them which I cant afford to do, this is why im in the position I am now. Im not sure when I opened my Cap1 card but i started having troube paying in 2008. I appreciate the imput Prima but as Daniella said there are a lot of negative reports and u seem to be speaking up for First Steps an awful lot, ive noticed u doing the same on a Money Saving Expert forum too.
  5. Thanku so much Desperate Daniella, unfortunately I am behind with a couple of credit card MBNA and Cap1 also an energy bill and a Natwest o/draft - not good I know but I was out of work following having my child and have got in a pickle. All these debts have been sold on and have gone up significantley from what was originally owed. Although I am back in p/t work now the money I earn I need for the upkeep of my kids and myself. Its so hard. A company called Power 2 contact have threatened to come round to my house tomorrow. I have been told not to let them in and ask them to leave. All these debts are from 2006/2007.
  6. I had a letter saying 'Final Notice' they say about £1200 but my balance with e-on was only around £900 which I cant pay all in one go and from what I can pay I'll still be paying it off for a few years! When I did speak to them originally to set up a payment plan I asked if I would get anything in writing or statements of some kind so I can see it coming off the debt but they skirted around the question and I didnt want my money going into a black hole, plus I dont want these kind of companies holding my bank or debit card details as I dont trust them. Yes the Power 2 Contact was just a yellow card, no enveleope so godness knows what the postman thought!! I had some trouble getting back into work after having my baby so fell behind with a few things, they're not the only DCA on my back at the moment.
  7. I have had a call from these people to say that they can clear my debt or reduce it. I dont know if to trust them because it was only after the 4th phone call that I found out exactly who they were as they just referred to themselves as a debt litigation company! They have listed all my debts and I have had some good advise off them so far but the last thing I want to get tied into is another debt as I dont believe they will do it for free!!
  8. The above companies have been harrassing me (i get a letter every day plus 5 phone calls a day) They say I owe money to e-on, i have rang e-on and offered to pay them back but have said the debt is nothing to do with them anymore. I dont want to pay BCW as I dont owe them anything. I have now received a yellow card for Power 2 Contact saying they are coming round. Do I have to pay these people? What should I do?
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