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Everything posted by laurajayne439

  1. got in touch with the council and they said that the bill is from after i moved out. but there problems with what they are saying, which dont seem to be right, i.e, saying they sent out a letter on the 19th Jan to the address i am at now, although i didnt start renting this property on the 22nd Jan. - spoke to the bailiff on the phone to sort out payment, i was asked what i would like to pay monthly so i told him, and he said it wasnt good enough they wanted more. Will be going to the citizens advice for any info i can get
  2. Thank you for all your information, I have looked through all my letters i received regarding my housing benefit and council tax benefit, and i have come across a letter saying from the 1.06.2009 (which was the date i moved into the property) to the 31.3.2010, i didnt have any council tax to pay. I left the property in Jan 2010 and informed the council that i moved, and also that i moved out of the area, that is how they have my address now. Would that letter be any benefit for me to help fight this case?
  3. I have received 'Removal Notice' from equita yesterday. This is the first letter i have received regarding council tax from my previous address which i haven't lived at for over 5 months. I was claiming full housing benefit and council tax benefit as i am on JSA and was on JSA when i lived at my previous address, and wasn't aware that at any time that i lived at my previous address i was 'supposed' to pay council tax. On the letter is states that if i wish to make a full payment (which it doesn't tell me how much is owed) than i have to ring them. If failing to do so the bailiffs will be round to my new address in two weeks to remove my goods Is there any advice you can give me please? Im going out my mind with worry
  4. i am having the same problem as you. I have received 'Removal Notice' from Equita today. This is the first letter i have received regarding council tax from my previous address which i haven't lived at for over 5 months. I was claiming full housing benefit and council tax benefit as i am on JSA and was on JSA when i lived at my previous address, and wasn't aware that at any time that i lived at my previous address i was 'supposed' to pay council tax. On the letter is states that if i wish to make a full payment (which it doesn't tell me how much is owed) than i have to ring them. If failing to do so the bailiffs will be round to my new address in two weeks to remove my goods Is there any advice you can give me please? Im going out my mind with worry
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