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Everything posted by Krackan

  1. Hi Alf Man I had the same responce from Computeach even though on my contract there was no end date, thwy told me my contract ended in Feb 2009 I took my MCP exam in March 2010 and it was paid for advent, Computeach dont want to know they're only interested in the small print on the back saying it would last 2 yrs, a point that was never made clear even though when i sign up for training I specifically asked if there was an end date and was told no there wasn't as lon as you are making progress
  2. Hi All Just another student being ripped off by Advent, Computeach and Barclays I've just found this forum and i'll read throuh alll the posts for advice etc if anyone can give me a heads up on what I can do in order to try and get my money back I'd appreciate the help Thanks Krackan
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