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Everything posted by redempt1on

  1. Hi there, I've been viewing this (and the other general forums such as sylck etc) since I recieved a letter from ACS, this was some time ago and was not with the recent influx of litigation sent out. While I have already formed a LOR against my LOD denying all accusations I have also been researching over the firm ACS:LAW and its affiliates to see what actions are being taken by them and how it reflects upon them in mounting a court case (possibly a class action one once I am sure the case would be substancial as well as showing the true nature of this exploitative scheme) This whole scheme is based off unproven 'evidence' to threaten those who are not technologicaly literate and the threat of unproven evidence means that while nobody has been formally convicted, there is no solid answer to whether or not the evidence ACS:LAW are threatening you with is substacial to sucessfully win a case against us, this works in favor for ACS as the uncertanty breeds fear of being the exception to the rule and nobody wants that kind of debt thrown on them (guilty or not) Because of what I am planning it is unlikly I will be posting often, but i will be keeping a tab on this alias I have setup until I am in a position to begin proceedings. I have made preemptive measures to limit the possibility that they can trace my idenitify through information left on this forum to the point that even my IP address has me located in another part of the world, proxied through a variety of servers before reaching this website. although it is unlikely that ACS:LAW would be able to force this forum to disclose information pertaining to my post, however after the attempt against slyck and the methods that Andrew Crossley and Co are capable of stooping too, I feel it is an appropriate measure. (I am explaining this so that when ACS enevitably read this they will understand just how easy it is for a person to hide their idenitity online, it is also to help those who have been sent such letters that you indeed are likely to be innocent and as such you should not doubt that in any way!) (I am also firing off a warning shot in a way so that while ACS think that they can sit back and send wave after wave of unfounded claims to the innocent and get away with it, that many of us will not sit by and allow it to keep on going and that there are those who have a much larger understanding of technical information being used to intimidate those accused.) I would say that I have a larger than average understanding of IT, specifically networking,communications,hardware,software engineering,network security,cryptogrophy etc etc (to cast a broad net as to my specific technical knowledge) needless to say i have more than enough understanding of the technical aspects regarding networking on computers in general to know that the methods involved in spoofing IP addresses (make my computer look like yours online) proxys (connecting through many different computers to mask myself online and become anonymous) VPN (Virtual Private Networks) etc etc are all to easy to impliment and that even a pre-teen can set these methods up and combine them together with ease. With all the above in mind I would be interested to see who else is interested in having this evidence shown in civil court case against ACS:LAW and to get a solid answer once and for all on whether or not any of these accusations have grounds to allow such letters to be sent out en mass? I believe once we get an answer once and for all that we could stop this extortion once and for all, it just takes the right person to head the fight. I believe I could be that person, but would welcome support and assistance in this endeavor. It would not happen immidiatly but I have building a case (well trying to, I have life obligations also) and hope to move forward by the end of the year. What do you all think? also to throw a legal rope to those who have only recently been sent letters, they are indeed legitimate and must be treated as such, the court orders are allowed and have been issued many times by only 1 judge (who I have been trying to set up a meeting with to discuss why these are being issued and to state a case against issuing them based on the little evidence given at these sessions. No luck yet.) Also with regards to ISPs when contacting them it is pointless going to the customer service to ask whether or not they did give up your information, the details relating to any information distriuted by the ISP is a legal matter, lower level Customer service reps will either not have access to the legal notes on your account, or will be forced to respond with a generic answer (normally saying I dont know, or that there is no indication details have been given out) you need to go to the ISP's legal department and request a confirm or denial outright that they had been issued a NPO. Many ISP legal teams will state that it would prejudise any legal proceeding to tell you if they have or not, but if you state that legal proceedings are not in effect and that you are not asking for specifics, just a confirmation that your ISP recieved an NPO, you are likely to get your confirmation of the company giving out details of subscribers. once you have this confirmation you can then get them to tell you exactly what details regarding your subscription were given out. To that effect, I have a formal letter from the ISP O2 Telefonica stating that they have indeed given out details due to an NPO in the past and have told me specifially what they have given out to ACS:LAW. They have also confirmed that they have NOT looked at or validated ANY of the details submitted by ACS:LAW and as such are only giving ouy the IP address, date and time of the IP address and the subsciber it was linked to at that time (basiaclly the information on your Letters of Alleged Copyright Infringement) ACS have NOTHING else and HAVE NOT had the 'evidence' reenforced as being correct by your ISP (at least not by O2, if O2 were lying about this then I have formal corrispondance to take them to court with also, signed and dated by the O2 legal team) I am inclined to believe them when they say they do not look or give any enforcement to ACS' data. if you need to get validation of ACS getting your information from o2, then you need to contact: [email protected] this address is linked between the data controller of O2 Telefonica in the UK as well as the legal team (from what i understand) these are the only people who can validate the court order issued to them, customer service is kept out of the loop. O2 are already on record for having to give out this information, so I believe it is safe to specify how to oobtain formal corrisponace from them. I suppose anyone could say O2 gave out their details, seeing as they went on the record about it on the BBC.....(I know how you think ACS:LAW looking for a way of idenfiying me I'd wager.....) if requested enough i will scan the letter from O2 onto this forum (with personal information removed of course) so you can see for yourselves and hopfully find some solace in it. sorry for the long post, hopfully it helps and hopfully there will be some who would like to join my cause. - redempt1on
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