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Everything posted by fishingmadmark

  1. My isp told me they have no record of any court order for my details so have they even sent any order anyhow??? there must be other ways of finding customers details or sky are telling me lies.
  2. Why am i not surprised:rolleyes: any one else got a copy they can scan a little bigger than mine i not very good with computers. Right who can we report them too i hate people like this.
  3. Well here go`s my scan lets see if its the same as yours. it not very big as i dont know how to blow it up size wize but it may help.
  4. Yes my film was Lady of the rings what was yours? im going to try to attach a scaned file later of my "court order":rolleyes: if there the same i think that would prove there [causing problems] and lets see if we cant get them shut down.
  5. Hello all I have today receved a letter from acs law they tell me that my ip address has been use to make available on a p2p network a adult film on the 10th july 2009 and now want £495 compensation:eek:. So after looking on this and other forums i contacted my isp sky who tell me they have no record of any court disclosure for my addreess and name. acs apparently put in a court order on the 17th feb 2010 and again its chief master winegarten:rolleyes: he must be very busy... i was thinking of scaning this court order i wonder if it would match anyone else`s that they have receved. Anyhow i gave them a call and got no help from them whatsoever they are asking me to reply to them by letter and explain my case to them, i tryed very hard to tell them that on the date they state(10/07/09) i let this film be downloaded from my computer/ip address i was not in all day and my computer was turned off but i cant remember if i turned off my router they asked me if i can prove i was not home...you see i remember that day very well it was my wedding day. Is there anyway i can put a file on this site of my scaned court order? anyone fancy a bet on it being the same copy as theres!!! there noname on mine so who knows;)
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