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Everything posted by Schist

  1. It is... In a nutshell, my wife bought a freehold property a few years back. About six weeks after completion on said property and after we already had a tenant living there my wife was contacted by her solicitor. The gist was that a "management company" were blocking the transfer of title until she signed a deed of covenant. The basis of our case is whether having already paid for the property the threat to block transfer of title would constitute financial duress to the tune of the purchase price and given that by then there was no option to withdraw from the sale and hence the "contract". My understanding is that for this to be binding it would have to be entered into through free will and in this case it clearly wasn't. P.S we already know there is a case against the conveyancing solicitor, but I don't want to be sidetracked by that as it is a separate issue.
  2. Hi... It doesn't relate to banks or debt so I was at a bit of a loss as to the best place for it TBH, but I'll give it a go. In England are there any precedents whereby a deed of covenant has been deemed either void or voidable on the grounds of duress?
  3. I have a legal issue I'm currently pursuing and wondered if anyone had tried online solicitors for a "quick answer". Do they work or are they just another online ripoff? Presumably some will be better than others or are they simply to be avoided? To be precise I'm looking for legal precedents relating to my specific case and don't wish to spend too much at this stage simply to discover I have no case!
  4. As someone who runs a retail business I can only speak for myself when I say we did pass it on... Bottom line, I would be amazed if it produced a single additional sale and simply cost us additional money to implement! In short it was for us a costly waste of time and effort.
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