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Everything posted by newstarter

  1. My advice to you would be this,to the both of you take any employment available for now,golden opertunities happen once in a blue moon you cannot afford to sit around and wait for them.Most caggers on this site have been through or are going through situations not unlike yourselves.so we know what your going through and how worrying it is.We know what its like to scrimp and not save,one step forward two back and so forth.But think about it,even two low paid jobs for now until something better comes along would bring you in what,1600-2000 a month,with benefits you could add on another,what another 600.Thtas the way we got out of our mess by doing exactly as above.What i think your looking for is an easy way out and there isnt one,just read through some of the threads on this site,some are just a few days away from eviction!!! Your just a normal familly finding the going tough at the moment,yes you have debts and yes there are concerns but you have to help yourselves too ie your husband sitting on his backside for 18 months would not have helped and believe me i would have told him so.So,take any work you can,keep your home and claim some benefits to top upand above all stop feeling so sorry for yourselves.
  2. With 2 of you working even in low paid jobs,add to that tax credits and working tax credits and maybe a council tax reduction,you would have no need to go down the bankrupcy route,at the moment it may seem like the answer to your problems but its not a one size fits all soloution.I would not advise anyone to go bankrupt,only as a last resort.If all your other debts are unsecured the worst that can happen is they may put a charge on your property,your home would still be safe.
  3. Right,just read your post thanks for the reply. So your mortgage payment is low and your other debts are unsecured.Now,i like many others on this site have come through money problems just as you find yourself in now.The first thing i need to know is why has your husband been out of work for 18 months as an I.T consultant,couldnt he take anything for now,as some money comming in is better than none,i even did fruit picking for a few months to bring in cash.What im getting at here is some job is better than no job,when we were in your position i took on anything at the time.
  4. Loobyloo 85,some excellent advice there,i had not got that far yet as reading between the lines im not sure they would have the 600 up front,just hope they post some more info soon.
  5. From the info you have posted it also looks like there is 30-40k equity in your property so there is cash there,its just tied up in bricks and mortar.
  6. Right i have read through your post.Your outstanding debts are 50k .im assuming you have an agreement to pay this off monthly,then there is the mortgage on top,at the moment you are both currently out of work so im guessing you are both short of cash,and you owe your parents money.Im also assuming there may be arrears on your mortgage as you say you dont have time to sell the property on the open market.
  7. Can i ask ,what is your mortgage payment per month and how much do your outgoings total please.Are there any arears on the mortgage,and are the other debts secured or unsecured.
  8. Sounds about right Caro,i have known people get the keys back after eviction,i was hoping maybe a mix up between the courts and bailiffs office or N.W and the courts,this does happen sometimes,and i have helped a couple of people get their home back after eviction,however your probobly right its just so frustrating when you only get a fraction of the story.Hope he gets back and posts on here soon.and yes Caro they might want to look ahead ,after repossession renting isn,t a breeze either
  9. Maybe your fiancee might know,if so post as much info as you can.
  10. For a start,how much arreas are they in. Did they have an agreement with N.W Was there a suspended possession order on the house Have they defaulted on any agreement,Just a history of the mortgage itself,the terms of the mortgage,arrears and any court order or suspended action.
  11. This case raises more questions than answers what we need here is brief history of what led up to these proceedings taking place.Your fiances parents do have a chance of getting this sorted out and getting back into their home but they need to act fast,a brief history please as soon as you can.
  12. How much are the loans for,how much is the flat worth now on open market,a best guess will do.Has he any other debts.You say he was declared bankrupt last September, can you remember how much his debts added up to.While we get the full picture the first to do is,DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING YET,AS SURE AS NIGHT FOLLOWS DAY.
  13. This is intresting to say the least.You see a possession order is a claim on the property granted by the court to the lender as im sure you know.However it does not follow that the lender can just take the property from your brother even if the order has been granted.As the loans were issued as a second mortgage to fund your brothers business it may be that the possession order was a suspended one issued to give your brother some time to get his finances back on track. If this was the case and the order was never extended to a full possession order then im not suprised C and G never knew about this.I think your brother was badly misenformed about all of this. For a start he had no need to leave the property even tough a possession order had been granted.Secondly the second charge ie Lloyds loans could have been handled much better than this however the fact the flat is technically still his may be your brothers saving grace here even though he is bankrupt.
  14. Good evening Brovasista,This is a mess but you have come to the right place.So,the mortgage is with C and G and the loan secured on the flat was with Lloyds.Im assuming your brother defaulted on the loan and Lloyds were granted a possession order on the flat.Some more info would help here,how much was the loan from Lloyds,can you provide some info relating to the loan,and when was the order granted,was it a full or suspended order,lots of questions i know but the more info the better.
  15. You have the right idea littlemonstermum and a group like the one mentioned above is a good idea,there are to few of them at the moment.Yes we did come out the other side,the house is ours,the bills are sorted but it just takes time and patience,take my word for it watch what your doing and you will be fine.
  16. However as already stated above,one thing at a time,Mortgage first and either comming to an agreement with B.O.S or failing that ,the n244 route.The others can wait.Try not to make things complicated by trying to deal with two many things at once usually there isnt enough money to go round to do that,and by the way the road you are travelling down now is one we have been down,been there done it worn the t shirt,thats why i feel compelled to help others as i know just how worrying it can be.We came out of it ok so we did something right lol.
  17. Hi littlemonstermum,Pubman 1 does raise some valid points however with your mortgage arrears as low as it is,i wouldnt advise going down the mortgage rescue scheme route,if the house is yours try and keep it that way,at least you have emerged from a failed business with your home intact.However their is something you might want to take a closer look at.(sorry about the spelling im in a rush) As long as you dont aknowledge them to a creditor unsecured debts over 6 years old are statute barred,this means that the debt is still there but the creditor or creditors cannot persue you through the courts.This information you will find in the statute of limitations act 1980.You must however have not aknowledged the debt or made any payment towards it.
  18. Just one last thing,i see Ell enn has sent you the draft letter and income and expenditure sheet.Remember to get your figures right and dont overstretch yourself to please B.O.S.Keep a little cash back each month for those emergencies.I would have a look at those charges if i were you.The F.S.A ruled in Jan of this year that arrears charges that just serve to burden the borrower when in arrears should not be added to customers accounts.The F.O.S are actively encouraging people to reclaim these charges.
  19. Hi littlemonstermum glad to see your more upbeat about all of this.I wouldnt worry too much.Now,watch those debt councillors that the banks send out,some of them do a pre eviction report and get a valuation on your property both volountry and forced sale.They take into account who lives there,the condition of the place inside and out,any pets etc all on the sly without you knowing.I wouldnt trust one again not in the least.
  20. Just a thought but have you had charges added to your account since you were first in arrears.I would certainly look into this and find out,if so you may be able to claim those back.
  21. One final thing ,if it does get that far remember your first hearing,learn from that.You must get all your facts and figures right.Courts,or moreover judges dont like discrepancies,they have little patience when things just dont add up.If you do all of the above and let Ellen complete your paperwork for you im sure you will be ok.Good luck littlemonstermum,although i think somehow you wont need it.
  22. While you are doing this keep in contact with B.O.S dont give them an excuse to argue that you are not talking to them and that they cannot get in contact with you,make a note of phone calls made and recieved and keep all letters and corespondence with your lender. As Ell en says if they refuse to play ball you then have to go down the N244 route to suspend any possible eviction order,however with 50% of your arrears cleared and the fact that you can prove that your mortgage payments can be made on time with something each month of the arrears,any action in my view would be suspended.As Ell en says they must consider any reasonable offer in line with the new mortgage protocol,B.O.S will know this so it may not get at far as the court stage.
  23. First and foremost forget bankrupcy ,you really have no need to go down that route.However you need to prepare for the worst ie an eviction order dropping through your door,prepare for the worst and then you wont get any nasty shocks later.The second thing you need to do is put your secondry unsecured debts to one side,dont worry about them for now,those creditors can,t take your home off you,the worst they could do is apply for a charge on your home.Ell en is right when she says you should pay off the lump sum before you take action,this will have the effect of reducing your arrears total,show commitment to clearing your arrears,and in case of any forthcoming proccedings 3500 arrears looks much better on paper before a judge than 7000.
  24. You also say your husband has secured employment with an increase in pay.After this lump sum has been paid your arrears will stand at roughly £3.500,you will be able to make the normal monthly payment plus some towards the arrears.Right if this is all correct you may feel this is a bad situation but believe me there are far worse,if you go about this in the right way i think you will be ok.
  25. Hello littlemonstermum im sorry to read of your current situation,however all is not lost by any means.So,lets get this straight,for the past 12 months you have had a verbal agreement to underpay your monthly payment. (for future reference try and get any agreement with any creditor in writing) it always helps if a situation gets to the court hearing stage. B.O.S decide to end this verbal agreement and in April are granted a full possession order for 6 weeks which as you say gives them the legal right to issue an eviction order on or after June 8th.The total arrears outstanding are 7000 ,you can resume full payments again from June and you have some funds to pay off 50% of the arrears.
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