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The Maelstrom

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  1. Well my friend (my sponsor) got a final response letter from Barclays a few days ago. This one looks like they may have actually read my letter, even if they seem to have chosen to ignore and gloss over several points and answer several points I never raised Although I did find part of the letter amusing - "Furthermore, pursuant to general contract law principles, you are obliged to take reasonable steps to mitigate any loss that you may suffer as a consequence of Advent's insolvency, and subsequent breach of the Agreement. In circumstances where you have been offered like for like training under the terms of the Agreement, by virtue of Barclays' appointment of Computeach, in the event that you unreasonably refuse to accept the alternative training you will be in breach of your obligation to mitigate your loss" So now are they are saying if I don't take the crap company they're forcing on me, they consider me in breach of contract? I don't know whether my part in the class action will be successful, as I am not the person who signed the credit agreement (although Fuzzbutt's last update did give me a faint glimmer of hope). I really hope those of you who are able to pursue Barclays, tear them a new one and give those arrogant people (I'm keeping it clean) the slap-down they deserve.
  2. I'm in the same boat as you mantaxi and Bluedo. As I am out of work and was at the time of starting the course, my friend kindly sign the credit agreement for me. I have a copy of a letter that Advent sent to him, stating he is only acting as a sponsor to me, therefore allowing me to start the course. I got the 12 month deferred payment option and it states quite clearly in several places I am the one responsible for the repayments. It even states he will not need to sign the direct debit mandate, as I will be using my bank details if I choose to take the pay £12k option. If this does note show a connection, then I don't know what does. Not to mention, if there is no connection, why are Barclays happy to let me sign with Computeach for the remaining 18 months at their supposed expense?
  3. I've just had my second call of the week from Computeach, trying to get me to sign up. I missed both, but they were nice enough to leave messages on my voicemail. That's now an email, a letter and 2 phone calls. Does anyone else smell desperation?
  4. Just read this in the Daily Mirror this morning - Investigations A bit more bad publicity to add to their pile.
  5. I totally agree with you. I've just got my letter too. It's pretty much the same as the email they sent. Although, they do seem keen to get me to log-in and "accept them" as my new training provider. Personally, I'd rather have Hannibal Lecter giving me cooking tips .
  6. Hi guys, I've been following this thread for a while (I'm finally caught up). It's been great to see I'm not alone in all this. I started the MSCE + CCNA course in August last year. As I am unemployed, my friend signed the BPF credit agreement for me. When All this happened in January I phoned CAB, but they said as my friend was on the credit agreement, they needed to speak with him. Unfortunately he's been away with work, so I've been having to sit on my hands waiting (not a pleasant time for me). My repayment is due in August, before the crazy interest kicks in, I don't want to do anything that would jeopardize my friend (or his credit rating). However, he is back form work now and so I am in a position to start fighting BPF and their attempts to force CT on me.
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