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Everything posted by Reddy123

  1. Hi Joanne, I see you have received one of these hidious tickets and can completely empathise with you that you are worried. I found myself with the same horror when I received mine on 29/3/10. I lucklily also looked over this forum and with the help of everyone else on it, I took their advice and have not done a thing (don't contact) and as everyone also mentions, I've heard nothing from these crooks who cannot expect us to pay £50-£100 for parking in a disabled bay. Goodness sake what crime have you committed to warrant that kind of fine. Why give them £50 of your money - go and buy a dress instead! Hope you feel better.
  2. Thank you for responding. Sounds like we're winning!
  3. Hi there, Just been reading all your posts re; this ridiculous con!!!! I have recently received a ticket from this company (Galleries, Washington) and at first was quite concerned as I've never received a parking ticket before and the charges of £100 or £50 within 14 days is absolutely unacceptable. I do understand that this company have no contact/address details for me and of course I will not be entering into any communication with them. I will ignore this ticket as you all suggest. Watch this space. Just wanted to add my comments as I feel so empowered after reading all your posts. Thank you
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